Primary Life

Primary Art Exhibition

Zoe Hardy - Primary Art Teacher

Your children’s art was enjoyed whilst exhibited at school! Bright colours, reflective portraits, an incorporation of learning about God’s world and our place in it have all been on view. 


We are proud of every student’s efforts and deepened learning. The results tell stories of questions asked, challenges navigated, beauties admired and techniques refined. Pieces displayed may not be considered the ‘most display worthy’ as we are committed to the viewing of work by all learners, not merely those who have mastered specific skills. All student work is a culmination of developed skill and knowledge paired with fired imagination. 

We are proud of their efforts, their aspirations and their learning. It has been wonderful to hear students’ joy as they find their own work on show and to hear them praise the works of their peers. They have had an opportunity to celebrate God’s generosity in each other. We hope that some of their work may yet have more time at home to be appreciated and to encourage you.

Party Day

Jo Bryant - Head of Primary Operations

In the darkness of Monday morning the Community Hub was already a hive of activity in preparation for our very first Primary Party Day. The weather played along to the tune of the full Melbourne orchestra with a symphony of 30+ degree heat, intermittent showers and swirling winds. This couldn't stop the fun though.


The reaction of the students as they entered the gym was priceless - with squeals of delight! A real live inflatable world at school! From disco dancing, to food treats, to inflatable fun - the day was a huge success. It could not have happened without the incredible support of our parent helper network. 


The parents worked tirelessly to ensure each child received their yummy treat and had their delicious sausage sizzle cooked. With over 1400 sausages cooked and 300 plus frogs in ponds prepared, this was no mean feat. 


Please enjoy some reflections from across the school:



I really liked party day because we got to play on different jumping castles! 

Rena, Prep B


Year 1

The food was really good and the inflatables were extraordinary. I loved all of them! 

Seth, 1AP


Year 2 

I liked it because we got lots of yummy food and the inflatables were awesome. Delia, 2BM


Year 3 

We were so tired by the end because we had so much fun playing! 

Maddelyn and Eden, 3SC


Year 4 

I loved the disco at Party Day, we got to dance to lots of energising songs! 

Hannah, 4CA


Year 5

I enjoyed the disco because we all sang and danced together. The jumping castles were so cool because it's not something you get to do every day. 

Eliza, 5DL