Year 6 Graduation

Harry Foster - Year 6 Team Leader

As we bid farewell to the final day of Year 6, we reflect on the joyous moments and memorable experiences that marked the conclusion of their time in Primary School. The past few weeks have been filled with laughter, camaraderie, and celebration.


Our Year 6 students embarked on a series of exciting activities, creating lasting memories. These included playing laser tag games around the school grounds, indulging in delicious pizza, house events featuring spirited competitions like dodgeball and capture the flag, a delightful Year 6 breakfast, and an exhilarating Rush HQ excursion—all contributed to a fantastic culmination of their Primary School experience.


The grand finale took place last night at the Year 6 Graduation, where an atmosphere of joy and accomplishment filled the room. The evening was a perfect blend of delectable food, delightful company, and energy of dancing. It truly was a fitting celebration for our graduating students.


A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the parents who played a crucial role in planning and organising this memorable evening. Your support and dedication made the Year 6 Graduation a resounding success. We extend our thanks to TJ Spence and Emily Layland for your brilliant coordination.


As we celebrate the accomplishments of our Year 6 students and bid them farewell on this exciting journey ahead, we are reminded of the profound wisdom found in Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

May the graduates of Year 6 carry the lessons of faith, resilience, and love into the future, trusting in the Lord as they navigate the path ahead. As they step into new adventures, may the light of God's grace illuminate their way, and may they find strength in knowing that they are never alone.