Primary Class of 2023

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

I congratulate the Year 6 students on their graduation from Primary School. These students have been a wonderful group – full of energy, fun and enthusiasm for life and learning. 


Our student leaders – Claire, Janek, Genevieve, Samuel, Janice, Jackson, Harry, Teagan, Grace, Archer, Meg, Lucas, Charlie, Brienna, River, Josiah, Addison and Talise – thank you for being so enthusiastic in your roles and for showing kindness and care to the Primary School this year. 


I commend our inaugural Student Year Level Captains for helping to pave the way for this new leadership initiative this year – Eliana, Abrielle, Matilda, Xavier, Eliza, Zachary, Karen, Judah, Bethany, Tsega, Cassidy and Rourke.


Year 6, my prayer is that you will continue to live life abundantly, embracing the story that God has already written for each one of you, and that others will be blessed by your positivity and love for life! 


A few reminders:

  • The first day of Term 1, 2024 is Wednesday 31 January. Preps start on Thursday 1 February or Friday 2 February (as per the communication to individual families).
  • 2024 Primary Information Evening is on Thursday 1 February at 6.30pm
  • The College Office will close over the Christmas and New Year break. The final day for the DCC Administration Office is Thursday 21 December; it will re-open on Wednesday 10 January 2024.

I give thanks for our staff, for all that they have done and continue to do. They are an outstanding group of individuals – each bringing much to our Primary School. 


May they, and each one of you, be blessed as you take time to unwrap the true meaning of Christmas with your families, and enjoy a season of rest and fun over the summer break.