From the Board

December 2023


For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given! 

Isaiah 9:6


What a wonderful time of year! We have so much to be thankful for and celebrate. 

The Board’s final meeting at the end of this year was opened by a devotion from Tim Argall. We were blessed by his faith story, so much of which was powerfully influenced by his family. An incredible reminder for us as parents to take our legacy in our own families seriously as we seek Jesus' centrality in our households. 


We examined the pastoral care framework of the school currently being reviewed by our Director of Christian Foundations, Viv Stapleton. It was so encouraging to hear that the pastoral care provided by our teaching staff at DCC is well-regarded and a model to other Christian schools in our network. We continue to look for ways to support Viv’s work to enhance this framework for the benefit of all community members. 


As a Board, we engage regularly with Senior Leadership Team staff on an array of issues. Naturally, curriculum delivery is regularly covered, as many in the team carry direct responsibility for its delivery at an operational level. 


In recent times, we have engaged with how sex education is taught at all levels within DCC, noting particularly that its teaching in schools is both a complex and important area for our attention. As a Board we appreciate the wide range of perspectives that families hold in this area, even under the unity of the banner of our faith. 


We affirm the challenging work of the leadership team at DCC, ensuring that the curriculum presented meets the school’s legal obligations, protects our children from the risk of abuse and participation in unlawful activity, and does this all whilst honouring and upholding a Christian worldview of sexuality. As a Board, we exhort and encourage families to begin or continue their own open, age-appropriate, ongoing discussions with their children about these matters. 


Ongoing new staff appointments and enrolling family interviews continue to be a life-giving process, as a Board member joins with Tim, as leader of the staff team, to meet and hear the faith stories of new community members. We are deeply encouraged that, as a Christian school seeking Christian staff, we continue to attract high-quality teachers with genuine faith and passion for our students. Likewise, we are so pleased to welcome new families into our community; their commitment to seeing God’s name glorified and their excitement to find a school like DCC is a great blessing. 


Several members of our Board attended the national Christian Education Network conference on governance in late November. It was highly valuable to gain further understanding of the national perspective on Christian schooling, shared challenges and opportunities, and learn from other schools within the network. At this conference, the particular focus was on examining how theology may better influence every aspect of our governance and operations.


Engagement with the Association and wider community is important to the Board. To this end we are planning new initiatives which we will introduce in 2024, including a community prayer walk and the opportunity to join the Board in reading through a book on Christian Education to develop our community and priorities together. 


May this Christmas be a very special one for your family as you together reflect on the divine mystery and wonder of the gift of Jesus. 


We pray your holidays will be a lovely time of connection and very much look forward to you joining us again in 2024!


Sam Ringwaldt, John Rashed, Mark Churchward, Matt Moran, Emma Ku, Tony Sinn, Annette Bos, Emma Bakker, Warren Strybosch and Jo Hood.