Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week:  This year we have changed the way we present the Focus of the Week.  It is now part of our new format for teacher Release from Face to Face teaching. This has been introduced so that all three teachers on a grade can be released at the same time and are able to work together to plan, prepare and evaluate student content and data.  During this time, each class within the grade will rotate through three 40 minute lessons.  These will include Music, Library and our Focus of the Week, which addresses outcomes in the Health curriculum.   Mrs Lisa Griffiths and I will take this lesson, enabling us to give depth to our topic each week.    

This term we began by looking at 'Sun Safety'.  Please remember to always make sure your children have their hat at school during Term 1 and 4.  Any child without a hat at Recess or Lunchtimes will have to sit in a specified area and not play. This is to encourage them to remember their hats, as

 we feel this is a life-long lesson in keeping themselves safe in the sun.  Please also put sunscreen on your children before  they come to school.  There is more sunscreen available in each of the classrooms if needed.   


The last two weeks we have spent the past looking at 'Road Safety', particularly Pedestrian, Car and Bus Safety.  These topics are very important as we begin our school year.  We have been using resources set up by Transport NSW , called "Safety Town".  If you would like to look at or use any of these resources, they are free and can be found at "".  Please see the flyers at the end of the Newsletter for tips and on road safety with children.


 Busy Week!  What a busy time we are having this week!  Thank you to all who came along and cheered us on at the Swimming Carnival on Monday!  We were blessed with wonderful weather and a brilliant team of swimmers who gave their very best!  Congratulations to Mrs Row Livingstone for all her work in organising and running the carnival, it was a great success!  Thank you also to the many helpers who assisted with jobs both big and small.

This is what made it a success! We now look forward to hearing who will be representing us at the Southern District Carnival, and who our Champions and winning house will be!!


We also have our Pupil Free Day today with Dr Michael McDowell. With Curriculum Reform high on the Eductional agenda this year, the Catholic Education Office Bathurst has engaged Dr Michael McDowell to lead professional development for all teaching staff and teaching assistants, supporting our growth in enhancing student engagement and developing more effective ways ot engage students for success in different contexts. Today was a wonderful opportunity to network with our school and system colleagues and explore 'best practise' for the classroom.   We look forward to bringing you more on this throughout the year.


Have a wonderful week!


Robyn Petty

Assistant Principal