Extreme Fire Danger Relocation

With a week of hot weather forecast next week, a reminder of our fire danger.  On days of extreme fire danger as indicated by the state-wide fire danger rating system, we will contact you and confirm whether you are sending your child on this day.  We will have up to four days’ notice of an extreme fire danger day, however it could be as little as 12 hours’ notice.


If you do decide to send your child on an extreme fire danger rating day, we will mark attendance and assemble the students at the front of Macedon Primary school ready for bus relocation to Sunbury Heights PS.  We will then relocate and conduct the teaching and learning program in Sunbury on these days.  Parents will be required to pick up their children from Sunbury Heights PS at 3pm on these relocation days.  This is a proactive plan on “extreme fire danger” days.