Around the Classrooms

Year  3/4G

Good Afternoon Families,

The students in 3/4G have had a lovely and exciting start to the year! 

They have been engaging in a range of SWELL week activities including the setting up of classroom expectations, becoming familiar with the class line order and moving through the school in a calm and sensible manner.

The class have played a number of games where they have gotten to know their classmates and shared much laughter in doing so! Some of the activities have included the making of a “class web” where the students throw a ball of ribbon to someone and discuss something that they like and then that person throws the ribbon to someone else in the grade. By the end of the game the students are all connected and have learnt a lot about each other and realised things they have in common. Another was where they faced a partner and were given 60 seconds to discuss a topic. One of these was “when were you most embarrassed?” and was hilarious to listen to! When the time was up the children shared about what their partner had said and we could tell if they had been listening carefully! The inner circle then moved to the left and a different topic was shared with a new classmate.

A team challenge was the students building a tower with blocks and identifying the skills for a great team effort including cooperation, being an active listener and taking turns.





Today we started the Curriculum focus for Term One and are looking forward to engaging in some interesting learning.


In Reading, students are being introduced to the genre of the factual narrative and the location of different sounds in a text, high frequency words and adjectives describing nouns. They will answer literal questions where the answer is written in the text and inferential questions where they consider their responses. In Writing, students will learn to create a story map about a leader and describe the characteristics of this well known person. 


Students have started their Mathematical learning with Counting and Place Value and revising familiar counting patterns including 5’s, 10’s, 2’s and 3’s. They are using Base 10 blocks to make numbers in the hundreds, thousands and working up to the tens of thousands. They then move on to Addition and Subtraction and using a range of practical and mental strategies to solve equations.


The Term One 3/4 Inquiry Unit is called “Leadership: Living it in our Lives”. Students will make connections to a range of emotions and work on building a community of trust in the classroom. They will explore a range of learning assets and how they demonstrate leadership qualities in a number of situations.


The class will begin learning about Lent and the various signs, symbols and traditions associated with this. Next Tuesday they will be focussing on the significance of Shrove Tuesday. On Thursday the 14th March some Year Threes will reverently make their Sacrament of Reconciliation in the church.


3/4 G are excited to have started their Sustainability classes today and are eager to explore outside in the garden.

There is so much learning to look forward to this term including the swimming program starting next week and the class are excited to share it all with you!


Rachel Gurvich Year 3/4G Teacher



Welcome to a new school year, this weather is perfect for pottering around in the garden and soaking up the sunshine!


Thank you to the Out of Hours School team who, with the help of our students, tended to our garden during the school holidays. We had a bountiful harvest of zucchini and our fig and orange trees have fruit!


This term the Year 3/4 children will take part in Sustainability lessons. We will explore the importance of bees in our world with a focus on Australian native bees and their role as pollinators. We are very fortunate to be supported by Heather from Kingston Council and the Gardens for wildlife program. Students will be engaged in creating bee hotels and learning how to help our bees thrive.


Our Sustainability leaders Jeremy and Vaidehi  will work with students throughout the year to develop sustainability projects for our school. We will continue to develop our veggie patch and gardening club will commence soon.

Keep an eye out for our Sustainability social media posts!!


Nella Lo Presti

Sustainability Leader