Whole School
Whole School BBQ
Wednesday 21 February
All students and families from Early Learning to Year 12 are warmly invited to the Whole School BBQ on Wednesday 21 February to celebrate the start of the new school year and offer an opportunity to meet our new Principal Esther Hill.
We will be welcoming The Rotary Club of Lindisfarne to light up the BBQs for a sausage sizzle, both gluten free and vegan options will be available. Two of our students, Amelia Cooper (Year 10) and Rupert Bullard (Year12) will be performing and we will have giant lawn games to play.
Please book your tickets here.
NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
NAPLAN assessments will be held in March for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted on-line (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). The NAPLAN assessments in Primary, Middle and Senior School will take place between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 25 March. Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here.
Please contact:
Wendy Crow in relation to Years 3 and 5
John Hoggart in relation to Year 7
Kate Baldry or Aaron Davey in relation to Year 9 if you have any questions.
Seeking School Fair Organising Group Members
The School received a positive response from the parent survey regarding having a School Fair on Saturday 4 May. From 150 responses, 75.3% said they would attend a Fair on Saturday 4 May and 50.7% said they could help volunteer.
To progress the organisation, the School is seeking volunteers to be on the Fair organising group. It is vital we have parent/guardian support to help organise a fun and enjoyable event for our students and the community. The feedback from the Food Fair was fantastic and it would be great to build on that event and create some fun for the kids.
Thanks to those who have already put their hand up to help organise this event. We are seeking 6+ parents/guardians to assist in organising the Fair.
So if you can assist by being on the organising group, could you please let Director of Community Engagement, Bill Avery, know by Monday 12 February.
Catch-up Photo Day
For those students who were unable to attend the photo days this week, a catch-up photo day is scheduled for next week, Tuesday 13 February, 9.30-11.30am, in the lower foyer of The Farrall Centre. Students are required to wea full formal school uniform.
Relay for Life 2024
This year’s Relay for Life will be held at the Domain Athletics Centre at the earlier date of Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 of February.
Students in Years 7-12 are invited to join our team and walk for an hour or more with the Friendlies’ (between 1-10pm on Saturday and/or 6-9 am on Sunday) to help raise money and awareness in support of the Cancer Council Tasmania. Year 5 and 6 students are encouraged to join us between 2 - 5pm on the Saturday.
Students can register with, or donations can be made to, team 'Friendlies” at https://www.relayforlife.org.au/fundraiser/friendlies.
Please contact Simone Summers, Greg Downes or Sharon Ryan (Year 5 and 6) for more information.
2025 Scholarship Applications Now Open
Online applications for Merit, Music and Boarding Scholarships for entry into Years 7 and 11 in 2025 are now open. More information on these scholarships can be found on the Scholarships & Bursaries page of the website. Scholarship applications are submitted online and there is no cost to apply.
If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact our Enrolments Office on 6210 2286 or enrol.office@friends.tas.edu.au
Quaker Meetings for Worship
All members of The Friends’ School community are welcome to attend our Meeting for Worship any Sunday from 10.00am, closing about 11.00am, with morning tea available afterwards.
Children are always welcome and there is a Children’s Meeting held concurrently with the Meeting for Worship. They learn about Quaker values through a range of interesting and fun activities. Around 10.50am the children join the Meeting for Worship, settling into the gathered Meeting for the last 10 minutes, usually sitting with their parents.
If you have any enquiries about the Children’s meeting please email rmtasclerk@quakersaustralia.info
Thursday Morning Meeting for Worship
Members of The Friends' School community are welcome to attend a short Meeting for Worship held each Thursday morning during term time, starting at 7.45am. Just come quietly in when you can and join us until 8.20am in the Hobart Quaker Meeting House, which is located just below the Clemes office on Boa Vista Road.
Community Yoga
Wednesdays 7.45am - 8.15am
An inspiring way to start your day with energising movement, focused breathing and a moment for relaxation and stillness. All members of the school community are welcome to attend and no prior yoga experience is necessary.
Julia will meet you outside promptly at 7.40am. Julia will meet you outside the door on the Carr Street side of the school at 7.40am. If you would like more information contact our school Yoga teacher Julia Gibson.