From Mrs David's Desk

Dear Families,


Welcome to Holy Family school!


Our school theme for 2024 is 'GROW' and this is taken from our Vision Statement developed by our staff, students and School Advisory Council. 


In 2024 we look forward to supporting everyone in our community to 'grow' academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Perfect Preps

Our Prep students have had a smooth transition into school. They are enjoying themselves out on the playground and love seeing their Year 5 buddies during break times.


Thank you to our Prep teachers and families for supporting our 41 'Perfect Preps'!


New Students

We have also welcomed 30 new students and their families from different schools in Years 1-6. These students are also settling into Holy Family with the support of our community.


I hope that each family in our community is experiencing a sense of 'belonging'.


P&F Welcome Event

Don't forget to come along to our Parents and Friends Welcome event tomorrow night from 7-10pm at Mt Waverley Bowls Club.


Parents/carers only (no children)


Have you responded to the following Operoo notes?


We realise the start of the year is very busy with everything going on, but we need responses to the following notices on Operoo as soon as possible-


A response needed via the eldest child-

-Parents & Friends Welcome Drinks- this Friday night

-School fees

-Soft Plastics recycling

-Head Lice

-Kids Cafe volunteers

A response needed for EVERY child-

-Class Contact Lists

-Shrove Tuesday

A response needed for new families to the school-

-Welcome Dinner- February 29th- all new 2024 families

A response needed for Year 3-6 children-

-Mobile phone/smart watch permission

-Year 3/4 camp

-Year 3/4 camp

A response needed for Year 4 children-

-Sacrament of Reconciliation

A response needed for Year 6 children-

-Sacrament of Confirmation

-Summer Sport Round 1 (some year 5 included)


Open Days

We had our first Open Day today and these days will continue throughout the term.


Our 2024 School captains (Luca and Cecilia) confidently engaged with our visitors.


School Car Park

Just a reminder that the school car park is reserved for staff and parish workers only. Parents need to find alternate parking across the road or in neighbouring streets, or use the 'Kiss and Drop' system.  The 'Kiss and Drop' system works effectively when we can keep cars moving to the exit to Stephensons Road, especially in the afternoon.  Staff needing to leave their workplace at the end of the day are having great difficulty due to the number of parents parking in the carpark.  We thank you for respecting these arrangements. 


International Students

Our school has welcomed 6 students from China who are experiencing school in Australia for the next two weeks. This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to learn and grow in our understanding of the Chinese culture. Please introduce yourself if you see these families in the playground.


Holy Family's Behaviour Curriculum Implementation

Our staff and students have already embarked on this journey by implementing our 'Behaviour Curriculum' to ensure each students feels connected and safe in our learning environments. Our students have been rehearsing their 'entrance' and 'exit' routines each day with the support of our staff. I must say how impressed I am with the way each student has adopted these behaviour expectations and the calmness that this behaviour change brings to our school.



Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)

All of our teachers are also being supported by members of our Staff Leadership Team to implement Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) in our Literacy.


Explicit direct instruction (EDI) is a teaching method that benefits students by providing clear learning objectives, breaking down complex concepts, and giving step-by-step guidance. It engages students actively, offers direct teaching, and offers immediate feedback. (John Hollingworth)


If you would like to find out more about 'Explicit Instruction' please refer to the article below.


If you walk into our school this year you may notice a couple of changes -

  1. Students and staff must knock and wait to be welcomed into a learning space
  2. Each student in our school has a dedicated spot to sit at their table and on the floor
  3. All students are seated facing the front of the classroom to support maintaining learning focus
  4. Every student in our school has a mini-whiteboard/notebook which is used to demonstrate understanding and comprehension of new words and/or concepts. This enables teachers to quickly scan for and check student understanding.

Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday 13th February we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday is the last day before fasting in Lent. Please refer to the Religious Education section of this newsletter for further information.


As a way of remembering this day Chef David and Chef Justel will be making pancakes for all of our students.


Students will need to bring a gold coin donation to purchase a pancake. Money raised will be sent to Caritas to support overseas communities in need.

Pancake Competition

All students are encouraged to make pancakes at home and decorate one of them to bring to school. 


Judging will take place on the day and there will be one winner from each class. The winner will be awarded a voucher for Kid's Cafe.


Thank you for supporting this fun initiative.




Ash Wednesday (14th February) signifies the beginning of Lent. 


Lent is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes at sundown on Holy Thursday. At this point, the Easter Triduum begins and Catholics enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s Passion before Easter.


Although penance is a calling of every Catholic throughout his or her life, Lent is a season specially marked out for the Church to be ‘united among themselves by common observance’ of it (Code of Canon Law, §1249). It is a way of growing in the faith together


Fasting During the Lenten Season

As we begin the Lenten Season lets pause and reflect on where we want to be in 40 days.

In the words of Pope Francis:


Let us pray that as we begin the season of lent we embrace the opportunity to:


Fast from hurting words and say kind words.

Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.

Fast from anger and be filled with patience.

Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.

Fast from worries and have trust in God.

Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.

Fast from pressures and be prayerful.

Fast from bitterness and fill our hearts with joy.

Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.

Fast from grudges and be reconciled.

Fast from words and be silent so we can listen.

We pray that

our only desire

and our one choice

is to choose

what better leads

to the deepening

of God's life in us.


We ask the lord to guide our decisions today and to bless the Xavier Community with His peace, His joy, His love.


- Attributed to Pope Francis, offered by Tim Reilly


2024 School Captains/Vice Captains

Congratulations to our 2024 School Captains and Vice Captains -

  • School Captains - Luca Salinitri and Cecilia Younane
  • School Vice Captains - Spencer McCarthy and Nadia Trettel

I am sure each of these young people will be amazing ambassadors for our school in 2024!


Soft Plastics Recycling

Thank you to those families who have volunteered to pick up our soft plastics and drop them to Monash Waste Transfer Station.  Please find the roster for this term, and we will send the roster for the rest of the year once all responses have been collected on Operoo.


2024 School Year

Term 1


Sunday 4th - Prep 2024 Playdate

Friday 9th - Parent Welcome Event (everyone welcome) Adults only

Tuesday 13th - Open Day

Tuesday 13th - Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Decorating Competition and cooking with Chef David and Chef Justel)

Wednesday 14th - Ash Wednesday (Mass at 9:15am and 12pm) Everyone welcome

Thursday 15th - District Swimming

Friday 16th - Summer Sport (Year 5/6)

Wednesday 21st - Open Day

Wednesday 21st - School Advisory Council Meeting (6pm)

Thursday 22nd February - Beginning of Year School Mass (Presentation of Year 6 Leaders)

Friday 23rd - Athletics Trial Day

Monday 26th - Open Day

Thursday 29th - Prep and New Families Dinner 



Friday 1st - Division Swimming

Sunday 3rd - 2024 Prep and New Families Mass (10am)

Wednesday 6th - Open Day

Wednesday 6th - Parents and Friends Meeting (6:30pm)

Thursday 7th - School Sports (Finishes at 5pm) onsite

Friday 8th - International Women's Day (Inspire Inclusion)

Friday 8th - School Closure Day (Staff PL Lorraine Hammond 'Science of Learning')

Monday 11th - Labor Day (School Closure)

Monday 11th - Catholic Education Week (In the light of Christ)

Tuesday 12th - Open Day

Wednesday 13th - NAPLAN commences

Wednesday 13th - Reconciliation Information Night (7pm)

Friday 15th - Holy Family School Colour Run

Friday 15th - Summer Sport (Year 5/6)

Sunday 17th - St Patrick's Day

Monday 18th - Open Day

Tuesday 19th - VACPSP Conference (Julie/Eithne)

Thursday 21st - Sacrament of Reconciliation

Thursday 21st - Harmony Day (Everyone Belongs)

Friday 22nd - EMR Swimming

Friday 22nd - Summer Sport Gala (Year 5/6)

Sunday 24th - Palm Sunday

Wednesday 27th - Open Day

Thursday 28th - Holy Thursday (final day of Term 1) Students finish at 1pm


Have a wonderful weekend,


Julie David (Principal)