Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
1A | Alessia D | For making a wonderful start to Year One! Alessia, you have shown a wonderful attitude towards your learning when taking on feedback to make your work outstanding. Keep up the great effort! |
1B | Zayla K | For being a kind and helpful friend to everyone in 1B. Zayla you always look out for others and show the Wembley Values. We are so proud of you! |
1C | Zoe Y | For her incredible start to Year One! Zoe, you are a superstar in the classroom, always following instructions beautifully and trying your best with your work. What a wonderful role model! Well done Zoe! |
1D | Lena N | For making an amazing start to Year one! Lena, you have shown your best effort in all of your work this week and you have been a kind and caring friend to others in 1D. Thank you for being such a fantastic member of our classroom, Lena. Well done! |
2A | Emilia V | For making a wonderful start to Year 2! Emilia, you are a wonderful role model to your classmates by demonstrating the Wembley values and remaining focused on your learning. Keep up the fabulous work! |
2B | Harvey V | For starting the year so beautifully, Harvey is so kind and respectful towards all teachers and peers and a pleasure to teach. Outstanding stuff Harves! |
2C | Jay L | For making an outstanding start to Year 2! Jay you have consistently made such sensible and responsible choices that better your learning, and have been a model listener during class discussions. Keep up the amazing work! |
2D | Henry F | For a fantastic start to Year 2! Henry, you set a wonderful example for your classmates, by showing excellent listening skills and working hard at everything you do. Well done and keep up the great work superstar! |
3A | Scarlett G | For making a smooth transition to Wembley Primary School and showing all our Wembley Values. Congratulations Scarlett! |
3B | Sophie R | For displaying resilience and settling into a new school with ease. Sophie, you are already demonstrating the Wembley values, setting an amazing example for your peers! Keep it up legend! |
3C | Aidan L | For a great start to Year 3! Aidan, you have transitioned so well into our new classroom and have displayed amazing Resilience by giving everything your best go and ensuring you are not getting distracted by others. Keep up the awesome work! |
3D | Hamish A | For your outstanding start to the year. You have demonstrated the Wembley Value of Respect by listening to and following all instructions, speaking with kindness to your peers and teachers, and caring for the classroom environment. Well done on setting such a great example for you peers! |
4A | Stephanie L | For making a seamless transition to Year Four and adapting beautifully to your new learning environment. Stephanie, it has been awesome to get to know you and see the amazing start that you have made to the year. Looking forward to an awesome year ahead! |
4B | Aria A | For showing strong leadership qualities in our first week at Wembley. Aria you have been such a role model in demonstrating great listening skills and working hard at your table. 4B is so lucky to have you! Keep up the great work! |
4C | Alexis E | For the incredible way she has started Year 4! Alexis has been coming in early to help set up the classroom and always displays our school values. She listens to the speaker, treats others with kindness and approaches her learning with enthusiasm. Well done Alexis! |
4D | Mya D | For her outstanding start to Year 4! Mya, you have been an incredible role model in classroom this term. Thank you for always showing our school values, trying your best and for treating your peers with nothing but kindness. Congratulations superstar! |
5A | Dylan O
| For his fantastic writing stamina! Congratulations Dylan, it was wonderful to see you so focused and engaged in your writing! I can't wait to see what else you can create. Keep up the awesome work! |
5B | India-Rose M | For an outstanding transition into Year 5! India, you have really settled well into the classroom this year, demonstrating persistence in your learning and making friendships so quickly. You have done so well so far, and it is only week 2! Congratulations, and I hope you are looking forward to many successes to come. |
5C | Victoria C | For your excellent attitude towards school and for already showing great leadership in Grade 5. You are always so excited to learn and your positivity lifts up everyone around you. Thanks for also being so respectful and responsible. Congratulations on an amazing start to 2024. You rock! |
5D | Sylvie T | For making thoughtful contributions to class discussions that benefit the learning of your peers. Congratulations Sylvie on a tremendous start to Year Five! |
6A | Amber M | For making a wonderful start to the year and demonstrating all of our values in the classroom. Amber, you are calm and lead by example at all times. Our class is so lucky to have you, Amber! |
6B | Zoe S | For showing a growth mindset whilst giving all your learning tasks a go and your participation in the class, either independently or collaboratively. Zoe, you’ve had a fabulous transition and start to Year 6, and I am incredibly proud of you. I’m so glad you’re in 6B! |
6C | Macy H | For her helpful and caring nature. Macy regularly volunteers to complete jobs that assist in the smooth operation of the classroom and is always willing to help her peers. Well done Macy! |
1A | Ava B | For making a wonderful start to Year One! Ava, you consistently model whole body listening during our mini lessons, you are respectful to your peers and you work hard to get your work done whilst having fun with your classmates. I am so excited to see the amazing things you will achieve throughout this year. Keep up the great effort, Ava! |
1B | Hugo T | For always showing respectful 5L listening during learning time. Hugo you demonstrate all the Wembley Values at all times. Keep it up you superstar! |
1C | Niamh S | For her excellent participation in our class discussions. Niamh, you are always showing wonderful listening skills and sharing your understanding and ideas about your learning. What a fantastic role model! Keep up the great work!! |
1D | Michael P | For his outstanding effort and kindness all week! Michael you are a superstar. You always show our Wembley values, work hard and you are a role model to others in our classroom. Well done, Michael! |
2A | Christos K | For coming into the classroom each day ready to learn and demonstrating outstanding effort in all areas. Christos, you have made an impressive start to Year 2 and are a wonderful role model to your classmates. Keep up the great work! |
2B | Orlando C | For working so hard when learning, finding strategies to calm himself and helping his peers with their learning. Orlando has had a terrific week, outstanding stuff, great man! |
2C | Isla H | For her outstanding effort in class. Isla, you are a champion listener, a fabulous independent worker and a consistently positive role model to your peers. 2C appreciates your wonderful contributions to our class. Keep up the great work! |
2D | Lola V | For showing excellent effort in class. Lola, you consistently show beautiful listening skills and apply your best effort in learning tasks. Well done on setting a great example for your classmates and keep up the good work! |
3A | Hamish G | For being a fantastic role model to your peers. Congratulations on a wonderful start to Year 3 and for sharing your knowledge about Fishing. Well done Hamish ! |
3B | Jamie T | For attempting learning with a growth mindset and asking for a new challenge. Jamie, your respect and resilience displayed in your learning is setting a fantastic example for the class! Keep it up legend! |
3C | Caitlin W | For being an amazing role model to your peers and constantly displaying Wembley’s values. You have settled in so well to grade 3 and we look forward to seeing all the great things you will achieve this year! Keep up the fantastic work Caitlin. |
3D | Ruby J | For showing an amazing collaborative attitude during Reader’s Theatre this week. You worked well with your group, using excellent communication and organisation skills to create a well read text to perform for the class. Well done and keep up your inclusive attitude! |
4A | Harry C | For consistently displaying a great work ethic, producing really high quality work and regularly displaying all of the Wembley Values. A true all rounder! Great work, Harry. |
4B | Ella C | For an amazing start to the school year by being an enthusiastic and hardworking learner. Ella, you have put your best foot forward and I know you will continue your hard work on the open road. 4B will miss you! |
4C | Phoebe H | For the incredible focus and concentration she has been putting into her learning. Phoebe has been listening carefully during mini-lessons, sharing her ideas in group discussions and working independently when completing her activities. You should be proud of the effort you have been putting in Phoebe, keep it up! |
4D | Abigail S | For her consistent dedication and genuine enthusiasm for every task she takes on! Abi, thanks for always showing such positivity in the classroom, you set such a fantastic example for everyone around you. Keep up the fantastic work! |
5A | Jesse C
| For showing bravery and resilience by stepping outside of your comfort zone with the 5/6 beach program. Congratulations Jesse, I am so incredibly proud of how you threw yourself into the beach program (and the ocean), demonstrating resilience, determination and courage. Well done and keep up the awesome work! |
5B | Jet L | For your fantastic attitude and effort in the classroom this term. Jet, you have shown commitment and dedication in all areas of learning, and you’re consistently demonstrating the SWPBS Wembley school values. Well done on a great start to the year! |
5C | Mila N | For your outstanding attitude and effort in class. You have been so respectful and responsible so far in 2024 and you always try your best. You have the mindset of a champion and you are absolutely smashing it. Keep up the great work, Mila! |
5D | Charlie H | For making a fantastic start to Year Five. Your level of effort has been excellent, and I have been impressed by the support you have shown for your peers. Congratulations Charlie! |
6A | Boh L | For your creative efforts in your found poetry! Boh, I could see your careful attention to detail and creativity shine through in your work. Keep it up! |
6B | Damon T | For your helpful, caring and positive efforts put into our class. Damon, you’ve had an absolutely fabulous start to Year Six. You are a hard worker, who puts in his best effort with everything you do. You’ve helped shape and make our class shine. Thanks for being a superstar, I am very proud, Damon! |
6C | James N | For always showing respect and being a courteous student. His kind and caring nature has helped to create a positive learning environment where his peers feel safe and welcomed. Well done James! |
'Melt The Ice' Ice Hockey Tournament
Tommy V from Year 4 competed in Brisbane’s ‘Melt The Ice’ ice hockey tournament in January. He played with his Docklands Ice Wolves teammates and after 5 days of competition, they won the gold medal in both the Under 9 and Under 11 age groups, beating a NSW and a Victorian team. This is Tommy’s second inter-state tournament, and he hopes there will be many more.
Tommy trains or plays ice hockey 5-6 days a week and enjoys his position of Forward and sometimes Centre.
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.