Classroom News 


What an exciting and successful first week of Foundation it has been!! One full of smiles, new friendships, and sensational discoveries. We cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has install for our magnificent Foundation students! 🌟

Having fun with our new friends! 


"I like going outside and playing!" Zach 

"I love playing outside!" Lucas 

"I like playing with my buddy!" Ada H 

"I liked playing with the cars!"  Emmet 

"I loved playing on the monkey bars with my new friend Jamiee!" Coleen 

"I liked playing with the cars!" Joseph 

"I liked playing beauty shops!" Layla

"I liked playing outside and with the cars!" Avatea 

"I liked playing tag!" Jamiee 

"I liked swinging on the monkey bars!" Max 

"I like going outside!" Elena 

"I liked swinging on the monkey bars!" Yichen

"My favourite part was going to the library!" Ethan

"I like going outside!" Ben 

"I love playing with my brother outside!" Scarlett 

"I loved playing with the cars!" Steve 

"I liked going down the poles on the playground!" Pablo 

"I loved playing with the dollhouse!" Sebastian 

"I like playing outside on the monkey bars!" Sidesh 

"I liked playing with the playdough and the tomato!" Joshua 

"I love drawing!" Finbar 

"I loved reading the book ‘The Green Sheep’ and painting a green sheep!" Ada


Year 1

The Year 1s have had a fantastic start to the 2024 school year! We welcomed two new students to our beautiful class, Bruno and Imogen. The atmosphere in the classroom has been filled with joy, excitement and enthusiasm. One of the highlights of the week was a "Getting to Know You" board game, where everyone enjoyed discovering shared interests and hobbies, and talking about all the wonderful things that happened over the school holidays.


"School was great and I loved it" - Imogen

"I love learning" - Savannah

"My favourite thing about this week was making lots of new friends with the preppies and I like playing with them on the playground" - Abigail

"I played on the playground and I got to put a pompom in our rewards jar" - Patricia

"I loved playing in the playground with Foundation and playing with Liam" - Aiden

"I like playing with Alena, Elissa and Patricia" - Audrey

"I enjoyed playing with the new Preps and Abigail" - Stella

"I like school" - Bruno

"I like playing with Aiden in the playground" - Liam

"I love the whole school" - Alena

"I like my friends" - Elissa

Year 2/3

We have all had a GREAT start to the school year. It has been wonderful meeting all the children and families in Year 2/3. It is with delight that we welcome two new students Vlami and Yaseen who have settled in to the class and have begun making friends. We have been busy creating a positive classroom atmosphere as well as enjoying the excitement that comes with a new school year. Thank you to the families who have introduced themselves to me. Lauren and I look forward to getting to know your family and work with you, to support your child in their learning journey. 


Year 3/4 

The Year 3/4 students have settled in well this year. Our theme this year is 'We Shine Brighter Together!' This works well with our inquiry and learning how we work together to learn from each other. 

As a class we discussed what our classroom should look like when we are learning and come up with a set of Classroom Expectations. These expectations are displayed in the classroom and each student has a copy in their diary. Parents ask your child to talk about what these expectations mean to them. They are as follows:

Be helpful.

Look after school property.

Be organised and ready to learn.

Voice level - inside voice / table talk level.

Have a go every time.

Use strategies to help.

Ask questions.

Speak politely using kind words. 



Year 5/6 


Matthew (Mt 5:14-16)

‘You are the light of the world. 

A city built on a hill-top cannot be hidden. 

No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house. 

In the same way your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven.’ 


'We are the Light of the World' was the theme that both staff and senior students were greeted with at the beginning of our new school year. The students spoke about ways in which they could be the light to others this year; helping out a friend with a problem, sharing their resources with their classmates, making sure their buddies were feeling okay about school were just some of the ways they mentioned. It's been a great start. 

The light of Christ.
The light of Christ.


'Who Doesn't Love a Chatterbox?' 

Many teachers love a quiet room. I'm not one of them. Throughout my 30 years of teaching I have understood more clearly each year the power of oral language to improve student outcomes, particularly in Writing. One of our 'Getting to Know You' activities this week involved students creating their own chatterboxes, where they shared 8 new bits of information about themselves to their peers. 


Did you know that....

 # Marty likes to wear odd socks (just like his grandchild!)

# Veer’s favourite ice cream is choc mint.

# Ishe’s second favourite drink is cold water.

# Yianna favourite ice cream flavour  is jaffa

# Keefe’s old school is called Holy Cross.

# Katelin’s second pet was chicks

# Did you know that Gail’s favourite ice cream is pistachio?

# Isabella likes to eat sour cream Pringles :D

# Onella got her pet dog Lulu in 2021.

# Alex plays soccer for the Preston Lions

# Connor’s middle name is George

# Harper’s favourite movie is Divergent

# Bhavin’s favourite snack is India's Magic Masala.

# Glendon’s holidays  were there on two islands.

# Jacob’s favourite day of the week is Thursday.

# Maxie has been in a really big earthquake

# Francesca loves gelato