What's Happening in Lower Division?
Welcome to a new and exciting year to our Lower Division students.
I am very excited to be teaching at Rocky River in 2024, and look forward to all of the wonderful areas that we will cover this year.
Lower Division will be supported by Linda Bishop from 9.00-11.00 each day, Monday to Thursday. Our SLSO Brooke Maynard will be spending all day Tuesday in our class, and our APCI Amberley Burton will join us on Thursdays.
In Term One we will be covering a wide range of subjects, with English and Mathematics taught each day and other Key Learning Areas covered through the week.
In our first unit of English we will be examining context, or how the experiences of the author can influence and explain the texts that we are studying.
Students are learning to identify how aspects of their own world are represented in texts and make connections to their own experiences. We are also looking at how students can use their own experiences and knowledge to compose their own texts.
Students are learning to use their background knowledge to make connections with texts and understand how an author’s context and experiences can help them to create texts.
For Mathematics, we will be looking at how we can organise objects into collections and how we can use that to to count those more effectively. We will be exploring how maths is all around us all the time, and how we can be effective mathematicians.
In History we are studying Past and Present Family Life, where we examine what the past, present and future are and how we can build our own experiences into our understanding.
In Science our current unit is called Physical World - Light Sound and Heat which we will study each Thursday and we will also be studying Drama using the Act Ease program on Tuesdays.
In Creative Arts we look forward to working with Mrs Schaeffer every second Wednesday, and with Jess from NECOM for Music on Thursdays. Students will also be able to participate in the school orchestra program on Fridays.
I look forward to getting to know our students and families as the term progresses and if you have any queries, please contact me at any time.
Chris Ridley