Action Groups

Our student leadership action groups have been very busy this year. Here is a summary of their work and achievements over semester one!
Wellbeing Action Group
Last semester, we in the Wellbeing Action group achieved some solid things throughout the past two terms. With most of us being new to student leadership, we made sure to connect with our peers and other action groups to ensure that we had the support that would help us to succeed in our goals. We made sure to get to know Leah and other members of the wellbeing team, and to communicate with her to find out what it was that we could do to help both Leah and us. For IDAHOBIT day on May 17th we helped to organise activities throughout the week, and on the day, to celebrate diversity amongst the Auburn High School community, raising $155 for the LGBTQIA+ youth charity Minus18. Additionally, we laid the foundation to better communicate and work alongside the International Peer Support Program and look forward to another successful semester of leadership.
Media Action Group
Over Semester 1, the Media Team worked with the Junior and Senior students to create engaging videos for our school community. All the way back in Term 1 our video recaps showcased our sporting events. The Swimming Carnival Video, encapsulated all the fun starting from the costumes to the competition in the pool! As well as our Annual Cross Country portrayed as a tiktok trend with our Senior Students. Moreover, videos such as the interview for Relay For Life and the World’s Greatest Shave, educated us all about important charities that our school community has been avidly supporting over the past years. These videos served us entertainment through the unique responses we receive from everyone, as well as encouragement to take part in these philanthropic opportunities. Finally, the fan favourite based on general consensus was the Career’s Week Video by the Seniors, naming Career’s from A-Z! With even more exciting events upcoming such as the Athletics Carnival, The Media Team hopes to create more exciting videos to promote student life and achievements at AHS.
Philanthropy Action Group
In Semester 1 the Philanthropy Action Group helped to run many successful charitable events such as Relay For Life, Camcare Food Drive and World's Greatest Shave. Relay for Life was in term 1 and it was a great opportunity for many teachers, students and members of our school community to raise money for cancer research, over $2,500 dollars was raised, and the event was a big success. In term 2 the Camcare Food Drive was run and over 400 products were donated for people in need. In the last week of Term 2 the World's Greatest Shave event occurred and $5,000 dollars was raised which meant that Miss Hardy, Miss Ruberto, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Dellorso, Mr. Szabo and many students cut shaved or coloured their heads to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.
Extracurricular Action Group
As the extracurricular action group, we organise activities and events such as lunchtime tournaments and clubs. In semester 1, we ran two lunchtime sports tournaments: the Netball Tournament and the Basketball Tournament. Byron from Year 8 also started his own Physics Club, which runs every Wednesday. During the Swimming Carnival, the extracurricular action group also helped out with running the canteen, and hosting out-of-pool activities such as spike-ball and Finska (particularly great for non-swimmers).
Sustainability Action Group
During semester 1 this year the sustainability action group planned many things to make sure we keep our school environment clean! To start off the year, we had a clean-up school day, where students cleaned our school for the reward of DARE points! In May, we had Australia’s biggest bush walk for the first time at Auburn. In the end, we highly exceeded our goal by fundraising $1500. Additionally, in term 2 we had the earth day bake sale in which you had to bake a cake/cupcakes that related to nature and the earth. We raised over $200 which went to Earthcare St Kilda which helps endangered penguins!
At the end of term 2 we were so excited to put in our new recycling bins! They are now both in the main building and the senior building to use. The can collection program is currently running in both buildings. This is where you can put any can or bottle with the 10 cents icon in your house collection bin and for each bottle 10 cents gets donated to the Australian Wildlife Conservancy!
Community / Inclusion Action Group:
In semester one we held a number of events to foster a greater sense of community rapport at our school! For International Women’s day, we held an art competition commemorating powerful and influential women; to celebrate harmony day we made a mural in the student entrance with different country flags. We put up posters around school to address neurodiversity, cultural day and Dolly day (an anti-bullying campaign). We started an International Students Peer Support Program which is the first ever student run peer support program at AHS! We collaborated with the philanthropy group and hosted an earth day baking competition where all proceeds went towards earth care!
For this semester we are planning on implementing house meetings which we have worked towards for most of semester one and integrating a prize giving ceremony for the year 12 leavers. Finally we plan to hold another community breakfast and make fairy bread for RUOK day since this was really popular last year!