Year 9 Computing Technology

Year 9 Computing Technology Robot Assessment Tasks
Students in Year 9 Computing Technology are currently undergoing a series of Assessment Challenges in Robotics.
Preliminary Challenges were given to the students to code their robots to draw shapes, avoiding obstacles as well as to draw the first initial of each group member. So far, in small groups, the students have been coding their robots to solve different problems including Mini Golf and Drag Racing.
Students will be assessed on how they can solve the problems given which include Ten Pin Bowling, Sumo, Robot Wars, the Maze and Steep Incline Challenges. Each Challenge coded is to increase their coding skills as well as team work to achieve success in completing.
Students will be doing a series of Mystery Challenges later in the term.
In a recent lesson, students had to code their Robot to do a “Dance Off” against each other’s robots to the set music.
Ms Webber
IT Teacher