
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
We have had a very busy term in the career office with the conclusion of subject selection interviews and information sessions, another round of TAFE YES program commencing, Year 12 amid their final career planning and looking towards their post school options, and our Year 10 students attending multiple excursions. See more details below.
Subject Selection Information and Interviews concluded
Thank you to those families, parents, guardians and students who attended our subject selection information night and the interviews with Ms Maddison or myself. This is an important step for our students in gathering information to make informed choices as they move forward into their senior studies. The subject lines are being created and students will be informed in due course what these will look like and what the next steps will be.
TAFE YES Metals Program
This term we have commenced another round of TAFE YES programs up at Narrandera TAFE CRC with the Metal Fabrication group. Thank you to for the support of Narrandera Shire Council in providing the large generators to run the equipment and for the amazing work and advocacy of Fee Smith at Narrandera TAFE who has managed to get us another round of TAFE YES Courses. We also thank our TAFE Teacher Mr Craig Curry for his expertise as well as our two staff for their extra support of students, Mr Brett Ireland and Mr Grant Napier. The feedback from both staff and students is incredibly positive and we love all the photos of the students at work building their skills and projects.
Australian Defence Force Visit
On Tuesday 20th August, we were fortunate to have Hayden and Doug from the Australian Defence Force visit the school to speak with our Year 10 students and interested senior students. Hayden and Doug both had varied journeys to their chosen defence careers and went through the many pathway and career options for students. These include Reserves, Gap Years, General Entry and Officer entry. They explained in detail the fitness requirements for each defence group and went through how to approach the aptitude testing and each step in the selection process. We had an informative discussion and Q&A afterwards with interested students.
Try a Trade Day & Wagga TAFE Excursion – 22nd August
On the 22nd August, our Year 10 cohort travelled to Wagga for another great opportunity to explore the extensive Wagga Wagga TAFE campus and facilities as well as attending the annual Try A Trade Day event at the Range in Wagga. At this event, many employers across the Riverina were in attendance with hands on displays and information on all things Trades and Vocational Courses from TAFE and other RTO’s. This was a fantastic showcase of many careers, such as nursing, early childhood education, hairdressing, beauty, electrical, construction, mechanical, butchery and many other trades. I thank the students for their engagement and enthusiasm at both locations.
Narrandera Shire Council & Narrandera TAFE Partnership Providing Workplace Training Courses to Year 12 Students – First Aid, RSA, RCG, & Barista Training
Thank you to Narrandera Shire Council’s Suz Litchfield in partnership with TAFE Narrandera’s Fee Smith, our Year 12 students have the opportunity to attend and obtain their First Aid Certificate at TAFE Narrandera on the 4th or 10th of September. Also on offer are the RSA, RCG and Barista Courses which we anticipate will be next term, dates to be confirmed. We thank the generosity of the Narrandera Shire Council in their tireless support of the youth of Narrandera in providing these opportunities to our soon to be graduating class, so that they can gain essential workplace training as they transition to post school employment.
Mrs Judy Ing
Careers Adviser