Student Wellbeing

A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week. Whether it’s your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups and downs every day. By having regular, meaningful conversations, you build trust and normalise talking about what’s really going on, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know you’re someone they can talk to.
While children can't be expected to fix someone’s problems, they can be encouraged to listen to what their friend is saying, show they care and tell a teacher, school counsellor or trusted adult if they are worried about their friend. Today at school we wore a touch of yellow and everyone was encouraged to lend a helping hand when they notice that someone is upset, lonely, or hurt.
So whilst R U OK? Day on Thursday, September 12 is our National Day of Action, we encourage you to Ask R U OK? Any Day of the year because a conversation could change a life.
Ask early and often
You don't have to wait until someone is in crisis to ask, 'Are you OK?'. Checking in regularly can help prevent small things from becoming big things.
Make meaningful conversations a part of your everyday relationships with friends, family and team mates.
You don’t have to have the answers or be able to solve someone else's problems.
Help is available. Head to Health can be a good place to start. It's a free directory of Australia’s mental health services and resources.
A friendly reminder to families who received an invitation to participate in the MACSSIS school improvement surveys, that they are due for completion on Friday, September 20.
Thankyou for your support.
Deputy Principal & Wellbeing Leader
Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity Leader