Uniform Reminder
A wonderful attribute of Lucas Primary School is the way in which the vast majority of students show pride in our school uniform.
Of late, we have been noticing the increased number of non-school jumpers being worn to school. We also have been noticing shoes that are not black and are emblazoned with obvious brands. Our dress code policy has been created to ensure school doesn’t become a fashion parade and therefore reducing the amount of pressure that children place on parents to buy the latest brands (which are often not cheap)
As we move from Winter into Spring, it is a good time to have a look at your child’s uniform and ensure it complies with our uniform policy. The uniform guidelines can be found on the school website.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.
Second-hand uniform - We are still taking donations of second-hand uniform and we will be conducting a stall at the end of term, so keep an eye on Compass and the newsletter for a date for our sale.
Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please drop off your donations to the office.
Lost Property - Thanks to those who had a look through the lost property and claimed those long lost items. The lost property box is located in the Admin Building
Please ensure your child’s belongings are clearly named!