NEST Summit

An event organised and run by the Nossal Environment and Sustainability Team, with the support of Ms Lainey Nieva.
We are proud to have hosted the NEST Summit again this year, with students from Melbourne High School, MacRobertson Girl’s High School, Suzanne Cory High School, St Peters College, and Kambrya College attending a series of presentations and workshops promoting a zero-waste lifestyle.
Our presenters from The City of Casey Council, with special thanks to Abbie Lane, the Environment Education Officer, provided interesting facts on recycling/upcycling, useful suggestions to minimise waste, and tips for sustainable living, including fashion. It was an invaluable experience for students to learn how they could begin implementing a zero-waste lifestyle.
It was also a great opportunity to network with other schools, and a positive way to come up with incentives within the school and the wider community to make small changes. NEST would like to extend our thanks to Kerry Archer, our Nossal High School facilitator from CERES, and everyone who supported us in making this event a huge success.