Library News

The St Peter’s libraries celebrated Book Week from Monday August 19th till Friday August 23rd with various activities. Our library home page offered a number of interesting on line challenges and we ran a daily quiz competition.
Tristan Bancks’ novel Scar Town has been name 2024 Children’s Book Council Book of the Year for Younger Readers. The story revolves around Will who lives in a town called Scarborough. His dad was a police officer, but he vanished seven years earlier. Will and his friends discover a house that is emerging from the water. They find bones and a lot of money inside the house and Will thinks the bones may be his dad’ s. Will and his friends want to know the truth about the town but have to be careful as the people in the town don’t want them to find out the truth.
Students at St Peter’s are familiar with Tristan Bancks other novels and they appeal to the young reader as the stories are quite gripping from the very first chapter.
Jennifer Bleakley