From the Principal
Mrs Belinda Burton
From the Principal
Mrs Belinda Burton
It is hard to believe that there are just two weeks of school before the end of term.
Last week Year 4 went to Lake Keepit and had a lovely time at camp. They enjoyed many activities: canoeing, orienteering, archery and damper making. Thank you to Ms Dowse, Miss Adams & Mr Edwards for taking the children on camp.
On Monday Yr 6 head to Canberra for a week of adventures! We will post the pictures of their adventures in the newsletter in Week 10. I will be accompanying Year 6 on the Excursion. While I am away Mrs Reinke and Mrs Cain will look after the school.
Last Day Term 3
Thursday 26th of September is the last day of Term 3 for the children.
Term 4 begins on Tuesday,15th October.
On Thursday, 26th September, the P & F are holding a BBQ and opening the GaGa Pit at 5pm. What a lovely way to end the Term.
Congratulations to the Year 3 students making their First Holy Communion this weekend.
It is a very exciting time for the children and their families and we pray that the grace of this sacrament strengthens their faith and brings them closer to God each day. Wishing you a beautiful First Communion day filled with love, happiness, and the blessings of the Lord. Wishing you a lifetime of faith, hope, and love as you celebrate your First Holy Communion.
Thank you to the SAC who met on Monday evening to discuss the events of Term 3.
Fr Damien reported that we need to save the following dates for the re-opening of the Cathedral - Thursday,12th of December, Mass to celebrate the Anniversary of the opening of the Cathedral in 1912 and Sunday, 15th of December Mass to celebrate the re-opening of the Cathedral after the roof repairs.
Thank you to the P & F and the Fete Committee who met last week. They have set the following dates & events:
26th September 5 pm End of Term Sausage Sizzle & GaGa Pit Opening.
Fete Donation Days -
13th September Book Donations
1 Nov Gift Cards, Christmas Items
22nd November Plants & Cakes
19th October Quiz Night
24th October Mango Drive Orders Open
25th October Morning Tea for World Teachers Day
Next Fete Meeting is 16th October at 5:30pm in the Staff Room.
Are you able to organise a stall? Please contact Sarah Clarke 0417 518 099 or Jo Ward 0429 831 382
Families with businesses that can donate Sponsorship or donations of prizes for the Fete pleasecontact Sarah Clarke 0417 518 099 or Jo Ward 0429 831 382
Last week, we enjoyed a special morning tea to celebrate Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week and say a big thank you to our wonderful Education Assistants; Mr Cain, Mrs Troon, Mrs Turnbull, Miss Tavener, Miss Honeysett, Miss Troon, Mrs Harper, Miss Widders, Mrs Stahlhut, Miss Gibson, Mrs Le Messurier & Mrs Onley.
Our EAs are involved in providing targeted support in the classroom guided by the class teachers, running specific programs of intervention such as MiniLit and MacLit, enhancing the skills of students for whom English is a second language as well as developing helpful relationships with a range of students to support their wellbeing and learning. We are extremely blessed at St Mary's to have such an amazing team of dedicated adults working in our classrooms every day.
Parent Teacher Meetings are currently taking place during Weeks 7 to Week 9 of Term 3.
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to come to school and hear about the growth and development of your child's learning. Thank you to the parents who have already met with the teachers for Term 3 reports.
On Thursday 26th September the Diocesan Gala Day for Soccer and Netball will be held in Tamworth for interested students in Yr 3-6. This is a fun day! A permission note has been sent to those who wish to attend.
We are looking forward to Transition beginning in Term 4 for the 2025 Kindergarten students. Transition begins in Week 2 and goes until Week 6, Term 4.
Please remember that we are a nut aware school and have a number of students who have severe and mild allergies to both peanuts and tree nuts. We strongly encourage parents not to send food containing nuts to school as the smallest traces can cause a severe anaphylactic reaction. Thank you for your continued support.