Learning Community 2

3/4 Maxine Howard and Nicole Stark

We had a visit from Alanna from Woorabinda camp last week, to tell us all about the fun activities we'll do on Camp! We are so excited. In the next few weeks we will choose the activities we will do with our friends. 

If your child is yet to return their forms, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any concerns, please organise a chat with your child's teacher. 


In Maths we have been learning about transformations and fractions. We drew our own shapes then practised flipping, sliding and turning them. We also learned about symmetry and what makes a shape symmetrical. 

This week we've investigated fractions with food! We cut Milky Ways into quarter or halves and practised counting in fractions. We used fairy bread to learn about equivalent fractions. 



We have compared and contrasted texts and text topics in Reading. We used Venn Diagrams to look at what was similar or different about the two topics. We have looked into Tier 3 Vocabulary as well, being words that are only in certain texts based on certain topics. 



Finally in Writing, we have worked hard to create some impressive Information Report Posters. Check them out! 

We studied the structure, practised paraphrasing and creating paragraphs from dot points, before tying it altogether in a poster format. 

We are so proud of our work! 



Our Student Achievers over the las few weeks:


Landon - for being a wonderful helper, and showing kindness and respect towards everyone in our class!

Zeke - for showing fantastic responsibility both inside the classroom and out in the yard. He applies himself to all learning tasks and completes his school work with pride!

Noah. M - for putting a mountain of effort into his work and for showing resilience and respect every day!

Alex. R - for showing wonderful resilience in the classroom by completing his work with a great attitude!

