P&C News

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was conducted by the P&C on May 14th, resulting in a new committee.


We would like to acknowledge our outgoing members and those members who will be leaving us at the end of this year. They have spent countless hours volunteering to provide the school with support, be it through fundraising, advocacy or other means. I am sure you will all join me in extending a huge thank you to these people who volunteered many hours of their time for the committee and the school.


The following are your new P&C representatives this year are:


President: Cindy Luff

Vice President: Rebecca Chapman

Secretary: Hayley Toohey

Treasurer: Emma Jensen

Events Coordinator: Charlene Bingham


We are looking forward to further fostering community and connection and we would love for you to be a part of it!


Did you know you can attend P&C meetings remotely? In fact, all our meetings are hybrid, with people attending in-person in the school library and online on Zoom. 


Give it a try for our next P&C Meeting on Tuesday 11th June 6:30pm.


Click here to join:  

Application for Membership for Eglinton Parents and Citizens Assoc Inc 2024/2025