Teaching and Learning News

Applied Learning Program at LHCS Coburg
The school is launching a new Year 10 program with an Applied Learning focus at LHCS Coburg for Semester 2. The program is designed to cater for students who prefer applied learning opportunities and who intend to study the VCE Vocational Major.
The school hosted two successful Taster Days this term in which students trialed a mixture of carpentry, cooking and gardening activities. We will be delighted to welcome the first cohort of students for the program at the commencement of Term 3.
FLIP in Semester 2
The school's Flexible Learning Intervention Program (FLIP) aims to build engagement, attendance and classroom readiness in our students. The FLIP program will expand to a consistent Tuesday to Friday program in Semester 2, based out the LHCS Richmond House campus.
Literacy support
LHCS was fortunate to have the expertise of a Literacy specialist for three weeks at the beginning of second term to work with students who required support in areas of Literacy.
Erica met with students to complete Literacy interviews, to understand them as learners: of readers and writers. She obtained writing samples and analysed their work to support them with strategies in the classroom. Erica was able to provide the Home group teachers and Education Support staff with approaches to use in the classroom. We are grateful for the work she completed.
WILD Program
This term, a group of our adventurous students participated in the WILD Program. The WILD Program is an outdoor adventure experience which included students going on day excursions every Tuesday, and then finishing with a five-day journey camp. This experience pushed students to their limits, brought them closer to nature, whilst also fostering teamwork, communication, and resilience . The program kicked off with several day sessions that included, rafting, snorkelling, abseiling, rock scrambling, creek walking and caving.
The highlight of the program was a five-day journey camp at Lake Eildon. Each day began with students packing up their campsites, loading all their equipment into canoes, and paddling to a new location. This journey not only tested their physical endurance but also their problem-solving skills and ability to work together as a team. This was an incredible experience for students, which also presenting unique challenges. Students were unable to shower for the week and embraced the challenge of no phones or technology during the camp.
The WILD Adventure Program has left our students with unforgettable memories, new friendships, and a deeper appreciation for the outdoors. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to more such adventures in the future!