School Noticeboard

2024 School Photo Days

Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May


The school photographers are visiting our school on Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May to take individual, group and family photos. MSP Photo envelopes were sent home recently to all students to enable parents to order photo packages online. For those students who are absent on either day, a catch-up morning has been organised for individual and family photos on Friday 7 June from 8:30am - 9:30am.


To ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform, a timetable has been provided below for your reference. Please note that the schedule is a reference only.


Students are required to wear their full Winter Uniform on the day that their year level and individual photos are scheduled to be taken. If students have PDHPE on this day, staff will modify their program to ensure students will be able to participate in the program in their full Winter Uniform.


We thank you in advance for your support.


Thursday 30 May


Family Photos
Kinder A
Kinder B
Year 1A
Year 1B
Year 1C
Year 2A
Year 2B
Year 3A
Year 3B
Year 4A
Year 4B

RECESS – Family Photos

Year 8 Cohort Group
Year 6 Cohort Group
Year 6A
Year 6B
Year 6 School Leaders
Year 5A
Year 5B

LUNCH – Family Photos

Whole School Group (all students and staff) in Upper Primary
Year 9 Cohort
Year 7 Cohort


Friday 31 May


Family Photos
Year 11 Cohort
Year 10 Cohort
Year 12 Cohort

Year 12 Executive Student Leaders

(School Captains, Vice Captains and SRC Captains)

Year 12 Student Leaders (House Captains, CAPA Captains and Executive Student Leaders)

RECESS – Family Photos

Friday 7 June (catch-up morning)


Family Photos
Individual Photos

Enhancing School-Parent Communication: The Power of SEQTA Engage App

In an era where technology seamlessly integrates into various aspects of our lives, it comes as no surprise that educational institutions are leveraging digital platforms to enhance communication between schools and families.The SEQTA Engage app is used by Moama Anglican Grammar to serve as a multifaceted tool for both schools and families, offering a streamlined approach for submitting school absences, accessing student reports, and centralised access to a number of other School resources for families.As a school committed to fostering strong partnerships between educators and families, we wholeheartedly encourage all parents to download the SEQTA Engage app onto their smartphones. By embracing this innovative platform, you not only gain convenient access to essential school-related information but also play an integral role in supporting your child's academic success. Please contact IT support via email at if you require assistance in setting up the SEQTA engage app on your smartphone.