Co-Curricular at MAG

Regional Da Vinci Decathlon
Last week on Thursday and Friday, two groups of dazzling and determined decathletes set out to the regional Da Vinci Decathlon, using their diligence to complete academic challenges. If you don’t already know about this event, the Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition where students compete in challenges across 10 disciplines including engineering, mathematics, English, art and poetry, codebreaking, science, ideation, creative producers, cartography, and legacy (where the students were also questioned about Leonardo Da Vinci himself).
The day began with a 4:30am departure from the school to make the nearly 4-hour trip to Wagga Wagga, with a quick stop at the bakery to fuel up for what was to come. The day was segmented, with students commencing with a range of subjects under timed conditions.
In teams, students worked hard to overcome the obstacles of the day. On Thursday, our Year 7 and 8 team placed 2nd in English. On the next day, the Year 8/9/10 team achieved 3rd place in mathematics and 3rd in art and poetry, and the Year 10/11 team placed 2nd in Ideation, 3rd in code breaking, 3rd in engineering, and 3rd in legacy.
The participating students from years 5 to 11 made an extraordinary effort with a commendable outcome across the board, and should be extremely proud of their efforts and for representing the school in such an excellent manner.
- Penny Cowin and Tahlia McMaster-Sharrock (Co-Curricular Captains)
Senior Boys & Girls Football Carnival
On Wednesday, some of our Secondary students competed in the Senior Boys and Girls Football Carnival at the Moama Rec Reserve. The boys showcased an expectational team effort, securing a spot in the next round with a great win in the final game. Despite facing tough competition from Finley and Deniliquin and playing short on numbers in both games, the girls persevered and gave it their all! It was a great day of footy, determination and teamwork with some impressive goals - well done to all the students involved!