Primary School

It was great to welcome many mothers, grandmothers and significant others to our Mother’s Day Celebrations last week. The buzz around the school grounds was just wonderful and we hope that all the visitors enjoyed their breakfast and pampering. A special thank you to the Senior Drumline and Lila Mislicki for their great performances and entertainment. These events would not be possible without the support of our staff, who took on many different roles to ensure the morning ran smoothly. 

Grammar Experiences and Enrolment Interviews

This week, we welcomed potential 2025 Kindergarten students and their families to our Grammar Experience sessions. Whilst the students were engaged in classroom programs, the parents attended an information session followed by a school tour where we were able to showcase our wonderful facilities. Tomorrow, Kindergarten enrolment interviews are being conducted in the Resource Centre. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and Year 6 student leaders who are volunteering their time to support the morning.

School Photo Days

This year, the School Photo days have been scheduled for Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May. A copy of the timetable can be found on the School Noticeboard page of this newsletter. All primary students are scheduled to have their individual photo and class photo taken on Thursday 30 May. Parents should have received the School Photo Envelope from MSP. Students are expected to wear their full Winter Uniform on this day. For those students who are absent on either day, a catch up morning has been organised for individual and family photos on Friday 7 June from 8:30am - 9:30am.


To Order Photos:

Go to and click ‘Order Photos’. Enter your child’s personalised shootkey and follow the prompts. For any questions or further information, please contact MSP on 03 5482 3190.

Gymnastics Co-Curricular

All Primary students have an opportunity to be involved in this year’s Tumbling Program as part of the Gymnastics Co-Curricular option. Students who participate in the program are allowed to wear their Sports Uniform on their allocated day.

  1. Monday lunchtime: students in Years 3-6 are invited to work on their tumbling skills. This session is being facilitated by Palmer’s Gym. 
  2. Friday lunchtime: students in Kindergarten to Year 2 can work on their tumbling skills. This session is facilitated by registered volunteers Mel Coburn and Linda Johnston and Year 10 student Olive Morton.

Stage 1 Assembly

On Wednesday, Stage 1 came together for their Stage Assembly. Mr Moon and students in 1B hosted the assembly and presented their beautiful artworks. They explained how they created the self-portraits in Art with Mrs Pedrana, using paint and paper. The students in 1B provided a snippet of what to expect for their year level performance, which is planned at next week’s Primary Assembly on Friday afternoon. The new ‘Stars of the Week’ design, created by the talented Miss Delmenico was unveiled and the students were very impressed. We then presented our ‘Stars of the Week’ to the worthy winners. 



Astrid KimberlinTrixie Knowles-Mulholland
Phoenix VanzettaHugo McKenzie
Ochre PascoeKarl Kenley
Hunter WellsMia Binnie

Term 2 Co-Curricular Opportunities

Upcoming Events

18/05/24              Enrolment Interviews Kindergarten 2025 

21/05/24              Soccer Tournament (selected Year 5 and Year 6 students)

22/05/24              Bendigo Eisteddfod (Jr Singers and Year 3 students)

23/05/24              Primary Athletics Carnival

24/05/24              Primary Assembly; Year 1 Performance

30/05/24              School Photo Day

31/05/24              School Photo Day

31/05/24              Netball Tournament (Year 5 and Year 6 students)

07/06/24              School Photos catch-up morning (8:30 - 9:30am)

07/06/24              Primary Chapel

10/06/24              King’s Birthday Public Holiday (school closure)


Nici Deller                                                      

Deputy Principal - Head of Primary