‘Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Jesus Christ’.
‘Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Jesus Christ’.
Our Year 2 students this term have been learning about Stewardship and what it means to look after our environment. Through a deeper look into the Creation Story, they explored the different things we can look after in our world and created informative displays showcasing how they can be part a more sustainable and better world for the future! What an AMAZING effort!
Our celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist will be Sunday June 2nd 2024. Here are a few reminders as you begin to prepare your family for this day:
With the Sacrament of First Eucharist just a week away, we look forward to our next Sacrament together as a School and Parish Community: CONFIRMATION.
We have begun preparations for students in Year 6 who will be receiving the Holy Spirit within their loves at a celebration with the Bishop at Mass. A notice was sent out to each child in Year 6 with:
Please note that only students who have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation in 2021 or 2022 and have been enrolled into the Sacrament preparation via the link will be able to participate in this Sacrament in August.
To enrol in the Sacrament of Confirmation, please click on this LINK
Important Dates for each Sacrament will be added closer to the times.
Sacrament of First Holy Eucharist - Year 4
Sacrament of Confirmation - Year 6
We celebrate the Holy Trinity at Mass this weekend. It is our opportunity to shout out "YES I BELIEVE" in acknowledging that out faith is made of 3 parts of the one God: God the FATHER, God the SON and God the HOLY SPIRIT. All of which nourish and guide us to continue the Mission of the Church. How will you acknowledge the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in your life today?
May God bless you and keep you,
Mr Angelo Iacopino