From the Head of Senior School

Ahead of the upcoming Semester 1 examinations, Week 7 will see us enter a revision week for students in Years 7 to 11. Teachers will now be working through revision exercises and past examination papers to prepare your child for the exams that will take place in Week 8. 


Examinations are crucial in the academic process, providing a valuable tool to measure students’ comprehension of course content and assess their academic development. Exams offer an important opportunity to obtain information on students' competencies and areas requiring improvement, which ultimately assists both students and teachers in enhancing their learning moving forward. Additionally, while exams may represent a challenge for students, they also promote discipline, analytical thinking and time management, which are crucial skills not just for school but for life.


Creating a study schedule

Adequate preparation is essential for success in exams. By developing a study schedule, your child can efficiently manage their time and cover all necessary material without feeling overwhelmed. Here are some steps to help your child create a study schedule:

  • Assess their schedule: Consider current obligations and responsibilities and help your child to plan study time accordingly. Maintaining a balance is vital to prevent exhaustion.
  • Break it down: Divide all subjects into smaller, more manageable sections and assign specific time slots for each. This approach ensures the entire syllabus is thoroughly covered.
  • Decide priorities: Help your child to identify areas where improvement is needed so they can dedicate more time to those. Instead of simply memorising information, they should focus on understanding key concepts.
  • Incorporate breaks: Ensure your child schedules short breaks between study sessions to rest and rejuvenate. Taking breaks helps to keep your child’s focus sharp and prevents mental fatigue.
  • Be flexible: Remain open to adjusting the study schedule as necessary. Flexibility allows your child to adapt to unexpected events or changes in workload.

Preparing for first exams

The revision process may seem particularly daunting for Year 7 students who are preparing for their first set of exams. Here are some tips to help them tackle this new challenge with confidence:

  • Begin early: Encourage your child to start studying well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Consistent revision over time is more beneficial than cramming at the last minute.
  • Understand the exam format: Students should familiarise themselves with the exam structure and the types of questions that may appear. Practising past papers or sample questions can help your child prepare effectively.
  • Seek assistance: If your child finds certain topics difficult, encourage them to seek clarification from their teachers or classmates. Understanding the material thoroughly is crucial for success.
  • Stay organised: Encourage and assist your child to keep their study materials organised and tidy. Creating summaries or flashcards can help reinforce key concepts and aid their revision.
  • Prioritise self-care: Encourage your child to care for themselves during exam preparation. Ensure they get enough rest, eat well and engage in activities that reduce stress.

For more information, see the ‘Active Studying’ and ‘Preparing for Exam Blocks’ modules from the Study Skills Handbook website, which can be accessed via the Astra home page


By approaching exams with a positive attitude and adopting good study habits, your child can seize this exam period with confidence and achieve the best results possible. 


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School