Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace - Secondary Sub School Leader

Hello everyone,

Term 2 is flying by so fast. Teachers are hard at work assessing work and starting to write student reports. SSG`s are in full swing. I hope that everyone’s meetings are productive.

Students are hard at work completing tasks assigned to them. My favourite lesson to observe now is science. I love seeing students hypothesize, explore and explain their learning. 

Excursions are becoming more common. This week Room 19 visited ACMI, look at some photos below.

Lastly, I found lots of photos of the Canine comprehension program. It was a hard decision, but I chose two for you to view below. Students are clearly enjoying this program. 

Keep warm,

Ash Stace.


Room 25



Room 25 have had a brilliant start to 2024. All have settled in and doing amazing work on a daily basis.

They love being hands on in the garden and kitchen, thoroughly enjoying these sessions.

The Year 12 boys are busy having transition days and looking through post school options. Very exciting.