Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader


Happy Week 6 parents, carers and the wider community! My oh my it has been a busy few weeks.


We have had three weeks of swimming, classroom moves, new gates, you name it. And how well students have adapted to these changes.



SSG’s are officially underway, and finish at the end of Week 7. If you have not yet received a note to book in a time, please make your child’s classroom team aware, as we want every family to have the opportunity to discuss the successes of the year so far! 


Individual Learning Plans

Classroom staff have been very busy putting together students individual learning plans, reflecting upon the progress made on current goals and considering new goals for the future. Keep an eye out for these as we approach the end of the term.



Seesaw posts are uploaded weekly, and sometimes daily of your children participating in activities, smiling for the camera or just generally participating in group tasks. I encourage you to access this platform to gain an insight into what is happening both in and outside of the classroom at JSA. 


Winter & Sickness

As we edge closer to winter, sickness, colds and flus are circulating! We continue to support students to practice good hygiene, washing their hands, using tissues and generally keeping ‘hands to self’. In the event you need to keep your child at home due to sickness, please call the absence line so that we are able to monitor student absences, and check in should your child have any unexplained absences. 

Have a wonderful week

                                   Room 16

Room 16 are still reeling after a whole week of swimming. In, out, in and out they jumped, dived and bombed. They learned all about safety in the water, reaching out to support a friend in crisis, whilst also having way too much fun!


This week Room 16 have been on the move, from the Room 16-18 breezeway to the old Secondary area. We have had many smiling faces as students enter a new space, freshly organised! You may have needed to drop your child at a different gate as a result, or they may have had a much shorter commute/walk to the classroom after having got off the bus. Either way, we’re happy to have settled into the room, and look forward to enjoying all this new environment has to offer.