Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • All of Room 1 students for enjoying and participating in the swimming program. Well done Room 1. 

Room 2

  • Jasim for sitting at his chair and completing his mini schedule. 
  • Musa for playing nicely in the playground with his peers.

Room 3

  • Esa for naming the numbers that come before and after a number up to 20, with the support of a 100s chart.
  • Mahira for great matching letters and pictures.

Room 4

  • Vaiga for being the most cheerful.  Keep up the great work, Vaiga!
  • Aria has shown good listening skills – what a star you are!


Room 5

  • Celine for walking from the bus to the classroom independently. 
  • Zac for doing well at swimming. 

Room 6

  • Ahyan for working on his fine motor skills, Well done Ahyan! 

Room 7 

  • Kiaan has demonstrated enthusiasm towards all learning tasks and continues to be a kind and considerate classmate. 
  • Mohammad has demonstrated bravery and resilience during swimming week and continues to show wonderful listening skills.

Room 8

  • My stars of the week are all Room 8 students for demonstrating that they can look after themselves and others while they attended the swimming program

Room 9 

  • Joyce for her increasing participation in classroom activities with growing independence
  • Aarib for completing his work tasks independently and his excellent work practising for our concert.