Primary Sub-School News

Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader



I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; I’m Michelle, the Primary Sub School Leader and am very much looking forward to meeting you all!




Last week was very exciting in the Primary Sub School, as it was our swimming week.  The students had an absolutely amazing time and were highly engaged as they practised a range of skills, including floating and various swimming strokes, as well as jumping in and climbing out of the water safely.  I would like to extend a huge thank you to our parents who came to support their children - they loved having you there, encouraging them to persevere and develop their resilience.

All staff were wonderful in supporting students to improve their swimming skills; everyone’s hard work ensured that swimming was a resounding success!



SSG’s have now begun and will be completed by the end of Week 7.  If you have not yet made an appointment or had a letter, please do inform your child's class team as we would love to celebrate your child's achievements this year!


Winter & Sickness

As we edge closer to winter, sickness, colds and flus are circulating! We continue to support students to practice good hygiene, washing their hands, using tissues and generally keeping ‘hands to self’. In the event you need to keep your child at home due to sickness, please call the absence line so that we are able to monitor student absences and check in should your child have any unexplained absences. 






 Room 7


It has been such a pleasure joining Room 7.  Thank you to all the stars of Room 7 who have made me feel so welcome.  We all had a wonderful time during swimming week, with all students who participated showing off their incredible swimming skills.  We had a lot of fun playing mathematics games in our classroom throughout the week too.  We are all getting very excited for our upcoming school production.