School News
Student Enrolment Forms 2025 (Prep)
It is that time of year!! If you have a child starting school next year (2025), please come to the office to collect an enrolment form. All sibling enrolments are now due. Start dates and other important dates for 2025 can be found at the end of this newsletter.
Canteen Dates - Term 2
Week 7 - 30 May
Week 9 - 13 June
Week 11- 27 June TBC
Reminder - APS Uniforms - New Supplier - Spartan
Please be aware that RH Uniforms has been taken over by Spartan Schoolworld. As a result there will be a few changes to the process of purchasing uniforms for Alphington Primary School including a new location for the retail store and a new website ordering system.
Please see below for full details: