Congratulations to our recent VIP's




Value Sentence
PARBella Bella has had a great start to prep! She demonstrates the school value of kindness. Always making sure to include others!
PCUFinnThank you Finn for being such a warm and caring member of Prep CU. You show kindness everyday in every way. Well done Finn! 
1EOpheliaOphelia, you are such a kind and respectful member of 1E! You have shown great resilience in your learning this week and always want to help others in need. Awesome job!
2DAlecYou have been a super star in Integrated this term! We love your contributions to discussions and how you have been sharing your knowledge.
2LVivienneWell done Vivienne for being 2L’s VIP for Week 4. You always put care and effort into your learning. We have loved reading and sharing your writing pieces, they’re fantastic.
3CBEddieWell done on an absolutely fantastic week Eddie! We have loved seeing you challenge yourself with your learning. You have shown such determination towards learning fractions. 
3KWLachieLachie always adds to our classroom learning atmosphere  by sharing his ideas frequently and asking great questions.  Well done Lachie!

Dear Kira,

We enjoy your sense of humour, it cheers us up. Keep up the focus and best efforts!

4JAngelaAnge, thank you for bringing your positive attitude and your determination to your learning this week (and every week!) 
4BMClementine OClem, you have taken your learning to the next level by seeking and embracing challenging tasks and concepts. Keep up the positive approach to challenge! 
5JMillieMillie you have shown great dedication and enthusiasm throughout this week towards our time project and have been able to take on challenges. 
5MEvaEva, you approach each school day with great optimism and your enthusiasm for learning always makes me proud. You are a great asset to our class. Thank you for being such a positive influence.  
6AHeathYou showed excellent persistence with a really tricky Maths problem this week and displayed great focus with your writing.
6MGusYou showed exceptional persistence, respect and tolerance to your Prep Buddy this week. The way you took time to teach him as well as sit and talk with him 1:1 shows what a great role model you can be.

Specialist Awards

PA5M - Toby TFor being a fantastic learner by always showing he is ready to learn. What a great role model you are Toby! Keep up the great work!