Learning & Teaching News

VET Early Childhood Education and Care Facility
This year we have introduced a new face-to-face and practical learning VET subject where students at St Peter’s College can gain the skills and knowledge needed to work effectively in early childhood services.
They learn about legal and ethical requirements, engaging with children and families, facilitating play, and supporting children's development and wellbeing.
The course includes classroom sessions, online activities, excursions, and a simulated Early Learning Centre environment. We have just finished fitting out this room in the Donnelly Building at the Cranbourne Campus. Our VET Early Childhood teacher Ms Melissa Bell has had her vision brought to reality by our Maintenance team led by Mr John Toffolon. The students are almost as excited as Ms Bell to use the new room.
Below: Ms Melissa Bell showing off the simulated Early Learning Centre, that some are arguing should be named the Mel Bell Learning Well.
Year 10 Work Experience
This week, all Year 10 students are participating in work experience off campus.
There is the expectation that all Year 10 teachers will participate in the Work Experience program in lieu of Year 10 classes. This program will operate from Monday, 3 June to Friday, 7 June.
Year 10 work experience provides several benefits for students:
- Career Exploration: Work experience in Year 10 allows students to explore different career paths and industries. It gives them a taste of what various jobs entail, helping them make more informed decisions about their future educational and career choices. Sometimes this even assists a student in deciding what they do not want to do in the future.
- Skill Development: Students gain practical skills that are valuable in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, time management, and problem-solving. These skills are not only beneficial for future employment but also enhance their overall personaldevelopment.
- Increased Confidence and Motivation: Experiencing a real-world work environment can boost students confidence and motivation. It helps them understand the relevance of their education to their future careers, often leading to improved engagement and performance in their school studies.
Teachers take this time to visit or call the workplace to determine how student are performing. These visits are primarily about being supportive of our students and ensuring employers are providing a safe workplace environment. Employers will also complete an evaluation of the student’s time doing work experience. We hope that Year 10 work experience is a positive, enjoyable and worthwhile experience for your child.
Year 11 English Poetry
The Year 11 English students have been working with an ‘other world’ framework this term. The texts they have been studying can all be classed as ‘other worldly’. Stories like Animal Farm, Journey to The Centre of The Earth, and Took The Children Away have been examined. They have also been asked to write creatively using this framework. In class, we practised writing creatively by using the structure of a visual poem called In Another World, by Rasaq Malik, a Nigerian poet who writes of a world where his children are carefree and not in any danger from wars or famine.
Below are three examples of In Another World poems by Year 11 students.
In Another World, by Noah Scandizzo.
In another world, I want to be a polar bear resting on my favourite spot without constantly slipping off it as it melts.
Without experiencing the ritual of watching my beloved home turn into the ocean.
Without spending my nights telling the stories of how we used to have double the amount of land.
I want to watch my children grow in a peaceful, happy area.
To frolic in the shallow waters and the tall snow.
Without being separated as the ground falls apart beneath them.
In another world I want my children to feel safe on the edge, close to the deep sea.
To play with the silly seals in the icy water.
To inhale the salty atmosphere around us.
To watch the birds nest on top of the world.
In Another World, by Daniel Sharma.
In another world, I want to be a homeowner without the worry of bequeathing my children generational debt.
Without experiencing the ritual of watching my children work tirelessly to afford housing.
Without spending my nights scouring the endless web for another job to pay off my mortgage.
I want to watch my children grow in a home free of financial tension.
To frolic in the backyard or driveway without the worry of a strict landlord,
Without being used as ransom for a higher rent.
In another world, I want my children to chase their dreams without the worry of a sufficient salary,
To play in their own customised rooms,
To snuggle down in the warmth of a heated home,
To laugh at the birds which aim their poop on our freshly cleaned driveway.
In Another World, by Steph Acaro.
In another world, I want to be a woman who feels safe leaving the house without fear of being followed.
Without experiencing the ritual of watching my daughters return home in tears after being catcalled in the streets.
Without spending my nights telling them stories of the rare times when I felt comfortable catching the bus by myself.
I want to watch my daughters grow to be strong without being treated as ‘less than’ by their peers.
To frolic in the streets without being stared at like animals in the zoo,
Without being kidnapped and killed.
In another world, I want my daughters to travel beyond the safety of home,
To play with their friends at the park.
To inhale the smell of flowers waving as they run through fields
To watch the birds flying freely, just as my daughters should be.
Year 11 Exams
All the best to our Year 11 students who have been undertaking their examinations this week. I hope they have been able to learn ways of improving their study and exam technique from this experience. For most Year 11 students this will have been their first experience of VCE practice exams. We wish them well.
David Hansen
Deputy Principal – Learning &Teaching.