Catholic Identity & Mission News

At St Peter’s College, we are incredibly blessed to have active Social Justice Groups on each campus. Overseen with enthusiasm and integrity by Ms Clarisse Campos (Clyde North - CLN) and Ms Cathy Michael (Cranbourne - CRA) in their capacity as Social Justice Coordinators, these groups are led by our College Social Justice Captains Kirsten Canda (CLN) and Alanah Spyrou (CRA). The Social Justice groups meet at least fortnightly and usually have a number of initiatives, both fund and awareness raising, on the go at once.
Their work is guided by our College Fundraising Policy which prioritises three main charities Caritas Australia, Trinity Families and the St Vincent de Paul Society. These organisations were selected because their work reaches so many varied causes across Australia and the world. Caritas Australia, well known for its annual Project Compassion campaign, is active in works that alleviate poverty, provide humanitarian support in conflict zones, provide health and education services worldwide and among many other initiatives, they have projects caring for the environment too.
Trinity Families, Bishop Greg Bennet’s charity for the Diocese of Sale, ‘operates to serve other charities supporting families in the Greater Gippsland area. It does not run programs itself but operates like a philanthropic trust to provide funding.’ Previously, funding has been provided to address issues like youth homelessness and cost of living expenses, food banks and Indigenous children childcare among many other worthy causes. Finally, St Vincent de Paul or ‘Vinnies’ as they are affectionately called, are a prominent presence in our own local community. The Cranbourne conference of Vinnies is among the largest in Australia and generally makes about 60-70 home visits per week. Not only does Vinnies do home visits, but they also run soup vans, undertake prison ministry, provide bill support and budgeting education, operate op-shops and provide advocacy for those who are marginalized, and they do so much more.
While there is awareness raising of other praise worthy causes and charities, StPeter’s is committed to these three organisations in terms of providing financial and material support. In doing so, we hope that the contributions of our College community can make some impact in our local and global communities. But a key educational purpose is to inspire students and graduates who will understand and practise their solidarity with those who are experiencing difficulties and be kind and generous in their response. Guided by the teachings of Jesus, a Catholic education aims to promote the common good ensuring that all have the opportunity to flourish. It’s not just about raising money (even though we know how important that is) because we recognise that the rising cost of living impacts on our students and families too.
Working for social justice is also about prayer, caring, and speaking out. For example, we continue to remember the people of the Middle East and Ukraine as conflicts ravage their lands, and we are with the people of Papua New Guinea as they recover from recent devastating landslides. We will financially support these causes but as one of our House Patrons, St Maximilian Kolbe said, ‘The most deadly poison of our time is indifference.’ I’m very grateful that we have committed and energetic Social Justice leaders in our College because, in a Catholic school, indifference to the struggles of others just will not do!
If you would like to learn more about, or further support the works of, any of our three preferred organisations, you will find more information in the links below:
Ms Fiona McKenna
Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission