Classroom News/Celebrations

Work samples and highlights from our super talented students this past fortnight

Grade 3/4 - We have been busy learning about Non-Fiction texts in literacy and working with the place value of large numbers in Maths. We are loving our Problem Solving activities on a Thursday.

In Topic we have been learning all about Australian History, learning more about Captain Cook, The First Fleet and how the First Nations People experienced European settlement.

As well as all of that great learning, we’ve been busy getting crafty in Grade 3/4!

We had a wonderful day on Multicultural Day, doing rotations and learning about different countries.

We learnt about the Chinese New Year and had lots of fun making our very own Dancing Dragons puppets.

Wednesday was National Simultaneous Story Day and we enjoyed listening to the book, “Bowerbird Blues” by Aura Parker.

Some classes learnt how to make origami bowerbirds. This was a great lesson in patience, listening and persistence!

We are all looking forward to our excursion to Queenscliff next week when we visit the Maritime Museum and Fort!

Grade 6

Grade 5


Prep - Multicultural Day



Grade 2 - This week in grade 2 we have been working hard in math practicing our subtraction skills, friends of 10. In Reading we have been learning all about inferring and in writing we have been so creative writing fairytales!
