Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

School Visit by Deputy PM and Member for Corio

Last Friday we were fortunate to have a visit from the Hon Richard Marles (Deputy Prime Minister) and Ella George (Member for Lara). They toured the school, including all classrooms and then met with our School Leaders and Leadership Team.  Congratulations to our school captains who did an amazing job answering questions and promoting the positive activities and climate of the school.

Multicultural Day

How great it was to see our students representing their culture on Multicultural Day last Wednesday. Classrooms planned several motivating activities on the day to further develop students understanding of other cultures. The African Drumming Band we employed was amazing and created lots of smiles and enjoyment- great addition to our Multicultural Day. It is our plan to try and have a different cultural incursion each multicultural day in the coming years to continue to promote inclusiveness as a major goal in our school and in the wider community.

Preps 2025

I am hoping that we now have all siblings who will be beginning Preps next year enrolled at Rollins. If you have not completed the enrolment form, please contact the office as soon as possible. If you know of any families who are planning to enrol their child in 2025 and are zoned to our school, please contact them and remind them how important it is to call the office for a tour and an enrolment form. We have a long list of “out of zone” parents who are trying to enrol their child at our school. This is rewarding as it has shown Rollins has such a positive name around Geelong. Unfortunately, we are restricted by the number of classrooms we currently have and will only be able to take a limited number of students in 2025.

Fantastic Day

Last week three of our senior students participated in the North Geelong and Bellarine Primary Sports Division Cross Country. Congratulations Hannah W (5th), Ezra  Mc (14th) and Nate C (31st). The standard in these events is extremely high and just to get into this level of competition is a massive achievement. 

Hannah will now progress to the next level. We will have our fingers crossed for you Hannah. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday June 26th. This year they will be conducted in the last week of Term 2. Further information and a timetable will follow in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on COMPASS for this information. It is important that all Parents/Carers organise an appointment to support their child’s/children’s education. The more we work together, the greater opportunities that open up for our students.

Fence Grant

As you are aware, we have applied for a new fence on several occasions, but have been unsuccessful. This time we are on the winning side! We have been notified that we will receive money for a new perimeter fence, nets behind our goal posts and a new entrance. At present we are working with the council to look at the possibilities of including staff parking on school grounds to alleviate the congestion in the streets and allow greater access for parents. 

Hopefully, planning will begin in the coming weeks. We will need to try to work around school holidays to try  and minimise the disruption to school life.


Assembly will be held tomorrow (Friday) in the Multipurpose building at 3pm. Families are welcome to attend

Term 2 Holiday Break

Dates - Student break up on Friday 28th June and return on Monday 15th July