
Mrs Leanne Miller

Friendship and Belonging

"The ability to obtain, maintain and retain friendships is, according to all the childhood psychologists in the whole wide world, the greatest predictor of wellbeing. Having a rich repertoire of friends is a true indicator of whether your child is travelling ok.” - Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg.


Leading specialists are interviewed and answer many common questions from parents, including:

  • Is it normal to worry about my child's friends and friendships?
  • If my child comes home from school and says, "No one likes me" how should I respond?
  • My child is extremely shy and has difficulty making friends. What can I do?
  • My child had an argument with a friend at school today. Should I help sort it out?
  • Does the internet help or hinder friendships?
  • Should I be concerned if my child doesn't get invited to many parties or playdates?
  • What does adopting a 'strengths focus' mean and why can it help build belonging and friendships?

Click here to view the interviews and resources.


Mrs Leanne Miller

College Counsellor