International Baccalaureate 

Learner Profiles - Principled

Psalm 15:2,

He who walks with integrity,

and works righteousness,

and speaks truth in his heart.


The Learner Profile attribute ‘principled’ directly connects to our college value of Integrity. Being Principled means being someone who will "act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere”. We believe being principled and living with integrity is so important, that we begin explicitly teaching these to our students from the very beginning of their academic journey.


Last week, our prep students began to explore the learner profile of ‘Principled’. During class discussions, they examined the actions and values needed to be principled inside and outside the classroom.

Here are some of their thoughts.

We need to tell the truth.

Integrity is doing the right thing.

We need to play fair or other people get sad.

To finish the lesson, the students reflected on different ways they can be more principled and set personal goals.

Rebecca Moore

PYP Coordinator


Learner Profile – Principled

The Year 7 students are working in groups on a project about ancient civilisations. They have been showing principled attributes by creating and following group agreements, clearly defining roles, and holding each other accountable.


The students established ethical guidelines from the beginning to promote respect, fairness, and responsibility within their groups. Each member assumed specific roles and recognized the significance of carrying out their responsibilities with integrity. Regular check-ins facilitated honesty and mutual support, enabling students to address challenges ethically and uphold academic honesty by citing all sources correctly.

Jessica Ventura

MYP Coordinator