Primary Years, Tarneit

Ms Maria Denholm 

National Reconciliation Week at Good News

National Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May to 3 June every year. The 27 May date represents the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum that effectively gave Aboriginal peoples full citizenship rights by finally being counted in the national census. The 3 June date is the anniversary of the 1992 Mabo decision that effectively overturned the lie our country had lived of ‘Terra Nullius’ – ‘empty land’ or ‘land belonging to no one’.


As a Lutheran College, who have the ministry of reconciliation at the heart of our faith, National Reconciliation Week provides us with the perfect opportunity to put actions to our beliefs. The focus for students during this week is the concept of reconciliation from a Christian perspective and learning more about the story of the world's oldest people.


Whether you were born in Australia or overseas, it is important that we learn the complex histories of Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people. The Primary students were treated to some amazing music from Scott Darlow who also shared some of this information with them. You can read reflections in the article below.


Mrs Maria Denholm

Head of Primary Years

Scott Darlow Incursion

On Monday, 20 May the Primary Years were fortunate enough to experience a fun and engaging learning experience facilitated by a renowned guest speaker named Scott Darlow. Scott is a passionate indigenous musician, educator, and activist. He presented to three different groups of students during the day.


The Year 1-2 students were entertained with many songs and dances. During the session, they learnt about the traditional Aboriginal musical instrument – the yidaki. A yidaki is also known as a didgeridoo and traditionally is only played by the male members of the mob.


The Year 3-4 students learnt about the powerful messages that are often told through Aboriginal artwork. Scott had a special guitar that was hand-painted with artwork depicting the story of his life, including his cultural heritage and family connections.

The Year 5-6 students learnt about Australian history and why it is so important for us to be open-minded and caring citizens of the world.  Scott engaged the students through lyrics and music, teaching us the importance of learning about Aboriginal culture and traditions so we can build a stronger future for our nation through intercultural understanding and respect.


We thank Scott Darlow for the positive energy and knowledge he shared during his visit to our College.

Mrs Rebecca Moore

PYP Coordinator

Jump Rope for Heart

Get excited! We are starting Jump Rope for Heart!

Jump Rope for Heart is a fundraiser for the Heart Foundation. The students are encouraged to practice their skipping at school and at home for the next 6 weeks. Please read the attached information from Jump Rope for Heart that includes the link to start your child's fundraising. Let's get skipping.


Mrs Talita Zibell

Assistant Head of Primary Years