From the Principal

Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

The Pillar of Integrity: A Core Value for our Community

Integrity is the cornerstone of our interactions and relationships at GNLC, encompassing honesty, respect, and moral courage. It is through integrity that we build trust and maintain a harmonious community. So, what does integrity look like?


For students, integrity means being truthful in words and actions. It involves doing the right thing even when no one is watching. We encourage students to demonstrate integrity through honesty in academics, respect for others and accountability.


For staff, integrity is reflected in dedication to teaching and commitment to the wellbeing of students. Our staff demonstrate integrity through professionalism, transparency and role modelling. When staff members act with integrity, they create a positive and supportive learning environment that inspires students to follow suit.


For parents, integrity involves being honest and supportive partners in their children’s education. Parents show integrity through support and encouragement, collaboration and consistency. By fostering a culture of integrity at home and on school grounds, parents help their children develop into responsible and ethical individuals.


A Unified Commitment

Integrity is not just an individual attribute, but a collective commitment. When students, staff, and parents collectively uphold the value of integrity, we create a community characterised by trust, respect, and excellence.


As we finish this week, I wish you all well in the coming weeks as I take some study leave. As usual, please take any feedback or concerns to your child’s classroom or PC teacher. Maria Denholm will be available for you in my absence.


Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal

Principal Review

Thank you to the GNLC community for contributing towards the Principal Review survey. Principal Reviews are integral to our ongoing communication and strategic planning efforts. You can find the 2024 Principal Review results by clicking here.


Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal