Chatham Happenings

Japanese Tea Ceremony
On Saturday the 23rd of November Chatham Primary School held a Christmas market and it was my pleasure to run tea ceremonies all day with Yurika, our current Japanese assistant and Cathy. In each ceremony, students would enter the Japanese room (of course taking off their shoes!), sit on zabuton cushions facing our Japanese garden. Participants would then have a mochi cake (a traditional Japanese rice sweet) while Rampant-Sensei talked about what the students would need to do during a Japanese tea ceremony. After the tea ceremony students made some origami Santas with Yurika and wrote their name in Japanese with Rampant-Sensei using Japanese calligraphy brushes and ink. Everyone talked about what a great time they had, and some students even asked if they could do it again next year!
Rampant Sensei
Japanese Teacher
Foundation Chesterfield Farm Excursion
On Tuesday 26th November, our Foundation students visited Chesterfield Farm. This is a historical farm which now operates as a children’s farm to teach children about life on a farm and how to take care of animals. The Foundation students participated in hands-on activities throughout their time at the farm. Interacting with the animals provided a lot of enjoyment for the students as they were actively involved in animal feeding experiences, visiting the animal nursery and going on a tractor ride around the farm. The students also had the exciting opportunity to learn about sheepdog work and were able to participate in cow milking. The Foundation students had a fun-filled day at Chesterfield Farm and are looking forward to future excursions as they move through the school.
Ms Kirstie Briggs
Foundation Teacher