Resource Centre

Year 6 Book Chat Celebration
To celebrate reading fabulous fiction through our Book Chat program, which runs for Year 4, 5 and 6 students, the Year 6 cohort celebrated their reading success with a delightful afternoon tea. This year, the most loved book was A dog’s life by Ann Martin. Students had the opportunity to reflect on the program; some of their thoughts are included below. Heartfelt thanks to Mrs Pina Sernio for championing and running this program, which has tangible long-term benefits for every student involved.
Books are a gateway to imagination. They may be long, but the storyline and plot are what keeps the fire going. Matilda Monaco (6B)
I think the Book Chat program is worthwhile because reading is a life skill and so is social skills. Edwin Wang (6B)
It is worthwhile because it helped my spelling and grammar and made me enjoy reading more because I used to only read when I had to, but now I read in my spare time. Shia Want (6G)
The Book Chat program is worthwhile because it encouraged and motivated me to try new books and explore genres outside of my comfort zone. Olivia Hu (6G)
I really like books, but the program was 100% worthwhile, I loved it. All of the books really engaged me, because of Book Chat I now have a love for reading. Judah Hunt (6B)
Book Chat allows you to express your opinion and say what you think without having to be feeling pressured to fit in with everyone else. It also enabled us to read different text types and explore a whole different world of reading. Alice Zheng (6G)
Book chat opens your mind up to new genres of books and can help you find deeper meaning in things. Lachlan Edwards (6B)
Mrs Kate Broadley
Resource Centre Manager – Teacher Librarian