Chaplain’s Corner

Christmas Muse
I don’t know about you, but I just love Christmas. And I especially love Christmas Carols! I know for some, Carols can sometimes be annoying and get on your nerves, especially if you are working in retail and hear them on repeat from November 1! But that moment, when Silvie Paladino sings Oh Holy Night … it is without fail, my favourite moment during the televised Christmas Eve, Carols by Candlelight each year.
Muse on this for a moment, however. It is an incredible thing, is it not that millions of viewers will tune in across Australia to watch and sing carols. Some include stories of Santa and reindeer, yet most of these songs, traditionally, are actually songs of worship and the passing on of history, as it has been passed down through the generations. These verses, reminding us of a young child, born over 2,000 years ago in a stable in Bethlehem.
We can take Christmas for granted, can’t we? We can easily slip into many Christmas traditions without realising or recognising, that this is all centred around a moment in real history. It actually took place. And it changed the world forever.
Jesus Christ didn’t remain a baby in a manger, He grew up! He performed miracles; He taught powerful teachings and turned society on its head. He demonstrated love and compassion in a way that had never been demonstrated before! He of course went on to reveal that He was no ordinary man, but rather God’s only son, born of the virgin Mary, to be the saviour of the of world – the Messiah, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
We perhaps hear of Jesus regularly, because we are in a Christian environment. However, it pains me to think that organisations like the Gideon’s Society, are banned from giving out bibles in public schools in Victoria. Most public schools have now also stopped allowing religious education in their classrooms, many hesitating on the celebration of Christmas. This means that the message of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas is less and less being read and shared and understood. I am sorry to say, right now there is a generation growing up, without knowing the name of Jesus, as anything else other than a swear word or at best, a nativity figurine.
But Jesus is more than a swear word. He is the spotless lamb. The Bible describes Him as the lamb without mark or blemish, that came to take away the sins of the world. In other words, God, through Jesus, entered our mess. He chose to take away our dirty rags, our shame and guilt and replace that with hope and purpose, love and forgiveness, peace and goodness. The message of Jesus Christ … it is on us, our responsibility and calling, to hold onto and to share with others.
Can I encourage you, to take the time to reacquaint yourself with this incredible account, beautifully laid out in Luke, Chapter 1 and 2 of the Bible. It is the account of the arrival of our Lord Jesus, over 2,000 years ago.
On 25 December, people all over the world gather as family, and stop to celebrate Jesus’ birth. There will be the exchanging of gifts. As you and your family do so, may I encourage you to remember the greatest gift of all and give praise and glory to the greatest gift giver, Amen?
God bless,
Pastor Matt Daly
College Chaplain