Year 8 News

English Enrichment program
As a part of the English Enrichment program, selected Year 8 students were invited to create an expository or creative response around the theme of perspective. Students were expected to familiarise themselves with the writing conventions of their chosen form. After extensive research using reputable academic sources, students synthesised their research notes into detailed plans. From here, they crafted their written responses using teacher and peer feedback. Finally, students polished the piece by completing self and peer editing. The following piece by Mahi Jain (8.5) is an expository article that explores the impact of social media on teens.
Mrs Rebekah Paul
Senior School Literacy Coordinator
URBNSURF Excursion
Sunny skies and perfect waves welcomed our Year 8s as we went to URBNSURF for our end of year excursion. There were oohs and aahs from the bus as the students entered the car park and saw the two giant bays of water lined with waves and white water.
URBNSURF is Australia’s only inland, man-made body of water that provides waves which are created artificially by machine and suitable for surfing.
Our students started with an information session where they learnt the basics of first aid and CPR, as well as water safety and how to complete water rescues. Students then practised how to paddle and stand up on land before braving the waves.
It was fantastic to see our students persevere and have a go in the surf, many of them being able to stand up during their session! We are so proud of our Year 8s and their ability to be willing to fail in order to learn how to succeed. Thank you to every student and staff member for making this experience memorable!
Mr Joshua Gaschk
Year 8 Coordinator