Stephanie Alexander Kitchen & Garden Program

New Timetable for the SAKG Program
This year, there have been a few changes to the SAKG program timetable, but we still alternate between kitchen and garden weeks.
Kitchen Sessions (even weeks):
- Junior Students (F/1 & 1/2): One hour cooking session, twice per term.
- Senior Students (3/4, 4/5 & 6): Two-hour cooking sessions, held fortnightly, with a shared meal at the end.
Garden Sessions (odd weeks):
- One hour for all year levels.
- 9:00 am – Year 6
- 11:30 am – Year 4/5
- 2:15 pm – F/1
- 9:50 am – Year 1/2
- 11:30 am – Year 3/4
Volunteers Always Welcome!
We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to the SAKG program. It’s a wonderful way to get involved with your child’s learning, and to connect with their peers in a fun, hands-on way. No cooking or gardening expertise in is required—just a positive attitude and a willingness to support a small group of children in their kitchen or garden activities.
We encourage parents, grandparents, and special friends to get involved. However, in line with our commitment to child safety, all volunteers are required to complete a Working With Children Check, as well as the Child Safe Modules, and submit the necessary paperwork. As part of new legal requirements, all schools must adhere to strict guidelines when involving volunteers, to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.
Volunteer Information Session:
If you’re interested in volunteering or would like to learn more about the process, I’ll be available Wednesday 5th February, between 8:30 am and 3:15 pm, at school. I’d be happy to walk you through how to apply for a Working With Children Check and guide you through the necessary Child Safe modules. Otherwise, I will finalise cooking dates and send through the links to book in and join us for a session as well as the links to the Child Safe Modules.