Policy and Advisory Library (PAL) Updates

The PAL team has updated 2 policies on the School Policy Templates Portal which are optional and there is no requirement for schools to have local policies on these topics.
Communication with School Staff (optional policy) was updated to include reference to the right to disconnect legislation. If schools choose to have a local policy about communication with staff, they do not need to update their local policy immediately, but it is recommended they refer to the updated template when their policy is next reviewed.
- Dogs at School (optional policy) was updated to remove information on wellbeing and engagement animals, as a new Animals – Wellbeing and Engagement policy has been published on PAL for all government schools. If schools choose to have a local policy on dogs, they do not need to update their local policy immediately, it is recommended they refer to the updated template when their policy is next reviewed.
For information about previous updates, refer to Updates to the templates on this portal on the School Policy Templates Portal.
Support with policy questions
The Principal Advisory Service (principal.advisory.service@education.vic.gov.au or 03 7034 6777) can help schools with their local policy documentation, support with department policies or compliance questions and connect school leaders to experts in the department for more information and support.
For more information, refer to the Principals’ Page. Principals, APs and Business Managers can all utilise the service and it will be open throughout the school holidays as well.