APF EBA LOG OF CLAIMS – Member Feedback

Following extensive engagement and consultation with members, the APF State Council has endorsed the draft APF Log of Claims which has been sent to members via direct email.
We are now entering the next phase of the process, which invites feedback from members. Please use the link provided to share your thoughts:
APF Log of Claims - Member Feedback
Feedback will be accepted until Friday, 7 February 2025. All responses will be compiled and will inform the APF State Council’s ratification of the final document, which will be presented to the Department of Education Secretary, Jenny Atta.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of the proposed Log of Claims, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the APF Bargaining Team.
Aaron Smith (APF State Councillor) | Aaron.Smith@education.vic.gov.au |
Andrew Cock (APF Treasurer) | Andrew.Cock@education.vic.gov.au |
Michael Jones (APF State Councillor) | Michael.Jones@education.vic.gov.au |
Tina King (APF VIC Branch President) | tking@apf.net.au |
Wendy Powson (APF Vice President) | Wendy.Powson@education.vic.gov.au |
The APF Bargaining team, extends our sincere gratitude to all members who actively engaged with us throughout the development of this Log of Claims. Your input has been invaluable to this process.