General School Information
School Arrival and Departure
Children should not arrive at school before 8:30 am or remain on the premises after 3:40 pm, as there is no supervision during these times. If you anticipate being late to collect your child, please inform the school office promptly.
Parking Guidelines
- Staff and Parishioner Parking: Onsite parking is reserved for staff and parishioners.
- Parent Parking: It is essential to comply with all parking restrictions when dropping off or picking up children. Please drive carefully and adhere to the 40 km/h speed limit in school zones.
- A School Crossing is located on Lowndes Street for safe pedestrian access.
- Drop-off/Pick-up Areas: These are designated for quick drop-offs and pickups only. Parents must not stop for other activities (e.g., chatting).
- Drive-Through Zones: drop-offs are via the McMillan Street staff carpark, and pickups occur at the hall.
- Time-Restricted Parking: A time-limited pick-up/drop-off bay is available on Lowndes Street. Please adhere to the displayed time limit.
Student Late Arrivals and Early Collections
Late Arrivals: Students arriving after 9:00 am must report to the office to be signed in, as class rolls will already have been marked.
Early Collections: Parents collecting children before 3:20 pm must sign them out at the office before leaving the school grounds.
Online: (follow prompts: select Online Shopping - Retail Parents - select your school - St Therese Kennington Primary School - GO - ORDER NOW - click here - start shopping).
· Our office stocks a complete uniform kit of sizes if you require to try it on before ordering.
· Limited pre-loved uniform is available from the office
The Parents and Friends Association operates the canteen service, based on a healthy food plan. Our onsite Canteen operates each Friday for lunch and Thursday recess for snacks.
Our wonderful canteen manager, Mary Piltz, is always looking for volunteers to help out, if you can assist, please contact Mary: E:
Any new volunteers are required to do an induction with Gabby Walsh, Email:
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